41. Report #107

Report #107


As I exhaled, I heard the distinct loud ringing of chimes, accompanied by a violent visual shattering of the room around me. It was as if the chimes were the sound of the reality surrounding me shattering into pieces. I was no longer "here". I know there was a blue and a green light in the room, and my hallucinations initially at this point were bizarre fractals in those colors. It is difficult to describe, but it seemed "fourth-dimensional". Meaning I was in a place at once both outside and inside the 3rd dimension, and I could see all sides of everything (and the inside) simultaneously. Layers of these fractal patterns kept peeling outwards and inwards at the same time (very confusing) and this continued for some unknown period of time, getting more and more intense as though I was flying through a tunnel of these patterns at an intense velocity.

Suddenly I shot out into "space". I say space because it was black and void, and I looked down and saw myself falling onto an IMMENSE planet from high above. I mean it was BIG. REAL BIG. The most fascinating part of it all was the fact that the planet itself was the head of a blue and purple lion. It wasn't a planet that "kind of looked like a lion", it absolutely WAS a lion's head so immense as to be a planet.

I kept falling and falling towards it, and as I fell closer, it opened its mouth and let out a ROAR unlike anything I have ever heard. Risking sounding cliche, it was like the roar of God. Mighty and awesome and triumphant. Its teeth were literally the size of entire mountains, and I saw that I was falling into its abyss of a mouth. Strangely, I felt no fear at all, because "I" was not "me". I was completely detached from my ego. I fell into its mouth and the teeth started that strange "peeling outwards and inwards at the same time" pattern again as I became totally enveloped by it and was deep inside its "mouth". This continued for some amount of time, and I don't recall much after that except suddenly coming out of the trip, very disoriented.