78. My DMT Experience

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome and Simulation on DMT..


15 Jun 2018

True life Storys

The sky started to digitize like minecraft, or something, little squares. Everything got hella bright, it was like hella crazy, hella bright and shit. The clouds started changing and shit. It was like different patterns and colors. It was like people or something. And when I closed my eyes, here come the hieroglyphs, going all these types of ways, making like the little snakes and the different colors and designs and stuff. And I’m just looking at it and stuff and it’s getting scary. As it was changing and stuff, I started to see like.. I seen so many hieroglyphs like I was there forever. It seemed like for hours just looking at it so I just kinda dazed off. And as I dazed off I could see the silhouette like it was like a dome. You could see the metal part going down like that and then you could see another metal piece going across like that and it seemed like it was kinda netted, like it was a kinda net or something. And I’m looking at it and I’m like what the fuck am I seeing?!

As I look closer I can see through it in certain spots. And I see this silhouette of this dude and he’s like, standing over me and he’s like, drilling into my forehead and I could feel like, a little burn in here. And as he’s doing this, a female, she comes by and she look and then she take off. And then another dude came and a little bit later and he looked and then he take off. So dude finish drilling and then when he stopped, he takes off. So, as I’m looking through this dome I could see that the patterns that it’s showing me, it’s like a fucking curved TV. And all the hieroglyphs that I’m seeing is like that curved TV and when I look a little bit beyond that curved TV I can see them and what they’re doing. I feel like I’m laying down and looking at a simulation, like that’s what the fuck the hieroglyphs was. When the dude finished, somebody else came and they looked and then they start, like dancing and then they went on.