57. Report #308

Report #308 — entities

I put the pipe down. I knew that I was in my friend's bedroom but at the same time I felt like I was somewhere else. I closed my eyes and I was looking into another dimension with my eyes closed and there were beings there and they were somewhat humanoid in shape, wearing robes, with long flowing bodies of some kind, they were much more bell-shaped than humans are. And they were doing something amongst the vibrant multicolored shifting background and the colors were also swirling over them as well, and they turned their attention towards me and I said out loud "Hello" and they took me or guided me through some tunnels, portals and passageways. It felt like I was moving through their dimension.

I came to a place where there was a being which they introduced to me as a baby or I felt it was a baby of some kind but it looked to me like two blue flat ovals intersecting each other in kinda a crossed butterfly pattern with all kinds of inter... you know how you take paper and you cut out snowflakes, like that, those kinds of patterns all over them, intricate, repeating mirrored symmetrical patterns with kind of a jeweled sort of pattern going on around the edge and two red things, two flat red rings going round the top of them, also some hieroglyphs and symbols and patterns around them which seemed to have great meaning but which was beyond my conscious comprehension. And I felt like the beings sort of were around me and this baby being, and this baby being gave me something or transpired something or passed some kind of information to me through my belly on a kind of a unconscious level but something important passed between us and I said "Thank you" out loud again and then I felt like the trip was done.