72. My DMT experiences

My DMT experiences


1 Dec 2019


I could barely even put the pipe down because the whole room was started to fucking, I don’t know, shrivel. I don’t know how to describe it but everything was kinda shaking, wiggling around and all that. As soon as I put my head back it was like my brain got transported, or like I went inside my brain. But anyway I was in this big round room and it looked like geometric shapes and all that. In the middle was this pillar connected to the top and the bottom of this room. Now obviously, I couldn’t look around or anything like that. It was just like I was being shown this vision type thing.

This pillar was spinning around but it was made of like a million eyes all looking at me. And weird kind of anime pointy nose and pointy ears and big grins. There was a face pointed left, pointed right, one pointed right at me, one pointed like this. It wasn’t scary at all but I didn’t know what I was looking at. And as I was thinking I was getting some kind of response from it. And I was like: “Can I break through then?” And when I said that it was going really fast. Everything was going crazy and crazy and crazy. And I was like: “Hang on, I already have.” It slowed down a bit and these fucking things, that looked a bit like the big massive pillar, one started popping up and floating and flying almost. They were made of pure energy. The colors at first were like a black with blue neon but the creatures were pure energy, whiter than my t-shirt. It kinda hurt your eyes to look at them almost. It was bright energy light.

And what they were doing, they were firing beams of light into my eyes and into my heart and parts of my body. It felt really weird but it didn’t hurt or anything but it definitely felt as though there was something like a ghost and it could put its hand inside you and you could feel its hand but it’s not physical. It’s like I could feel something going in, the energy going in and coming out, going down my throat and all that. And they’re jumping around and it’s almost as if they’re laughing. They continuously morph and change, these weird things. They were blasting me with energy and going up really close to my eyes and like kind of dashing around. And then they took me on a little adventure. Next thing I know is that the tower thing is making the whole room spiral continuously. And then there’s cartwheels of color and geometric shapes, you know kaleidoscape stuff. I was trying to look at it but there was so much to process, that’s why I’m finding it so difficult to describe.

The next thing I know the column pushes me through it and the next thing I’m flying through a futuristic city, if you like. It was kind of like buildings made of geometric shapes and that neon light I was talking about. These creatures were still jumping around. But then I’m flying down this fucking motorway essentially. I’m flying down this neon light city made of energy but basically what happens next is I come out the other end and some crazy shit happens then it’s complete darkness. I think I came to the realization that everything in life was just chemical reactions and there was no God or some shit like that. What happened when I got to the end of the crazy tunnel which lasted forever. I say a tunnel but it’s like a city and shapes and creatures firing energy and I get to the end and it’s just darkness.