
Tunnels are the most common means of travel from the Threshold into various Environments and between different Places. Sometimes they are filled with colors, fractals, honeycombs or eyes and sometimes they are described as Wormholes or Vortexes. On rare occasions the Tunnel becomes an Environment that transforms its surface designs and a place where Entities and Objects appear. In the majority of time Tunnels are a means of transport rapidly from one place to another.

the trembling darkness before me crystallized instantly into a shimmering vortex of lime-colored tessera and began a meticulous implosion upon itself. Pulses of sinuous electric energy shot along it from behind me and I could see them disappear down its infinite corridor. Each one came faster and faster and faster until this typhoon-like tunnel was throbbing with supple, supernova pulsations.

Wishful psychonaut


The ceiling fan starts spinning and stretching outwards through the roof like a vortex towards the north pole. I feel it pulling me in so I closed my eyes.

Creation and the Order of Survival (freebase Experience Report)


And as I looked inside the box I went in through that portal with the child and it opened up and it was more impossible

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report


When it opened there was this light and I was in a tunnel with eyes. Once I hit the end; Boom. It’s like I was rocket propelled into another realm, another dimension.

DMT: First Experience


And all of a sudden the room started shaking and I could see this tunnel forming in front of me that I couldn’t see the end of. It dipped down like a waterfall. I heard a whirring, a pitch that was getting louder and louder as I went down this tunnel and got bigger. The pitch got louder and turned into the chitter chatter of little creatures but they were hiding behind the sides of the tunnel. It felt like they were saying buckle your seatbelt and get ready.

Naked Lady of the Forest


And I felt like I was falling down that belly button tunnel. As I'm falling through that light vessel my physical body is curled up in a ball and I feel like I’m plummeting.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm


I remember coming out of a tunnel.

First DMT Experience - This Was Insane!


And it was weird ‘cause everything was like, golden. And it was moving though, almost like a tunnel. A tunnel of golden radiance.

My experiences with DMT to YOUNG PHARAOH


I was quickly pulled out of that room and forced through a little wormhole

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?


Immediately after I took the third hit I closed my eyes and found myself looking straight up into the tunnel of white light that I had heard people associate with near death experiences. After a few seconds of being in this tunnel two winged female angels with alien grey faces (also made of light but separate from the tunnel) swooped down through the tunnel and picked me up by my arms to take me to the end of the tunnel.

Greece Planet? What am I Kid Icarus?


As I entered through this tunneling vortex of colors and shapes and flowing energy I came to a room

My first tryp to the "machine"...


The sounds built and built, reaching a peak that culminated in a vortex which sucked everything in existence

Report #40 — entities


I saw geometric shapes and I started controlling them, letting them show me what they wanted to be and me leading them to that. Eventually they formed a blue tunnel and I propelled myself along it.

DMT trip report: My first trip


I started going through a tunnel filled with squares in colors which slowly became more and more colorful... Constantly changing and creating new shapes and colors…

Report #215 — entities


I'm going through all of these tunnels but the tunnels are square



Layers of these fractal patterns kept peeling outwards and inwards at the same time (very confusing) and this continued for some unknown period of time, getting more and more intense as though I was flying through a tunnel of these patterns at an intense velocity.

Report #107


Suddenly I was looking down an undulating tunnel that formed a 'T' along the horizon. From both sides of the 'T' I heard "them" approaching, a rising crescendo along the periphery.

Report #216 — entities

everything around me turns white, and I feel almost as if I'm zooming backwards through a tunnel.

Report #236 — entities

they took me or guided me through some tunnels, portals and passageways

Dana tries DMT


And my body starts to fold in on itself from above and below until it collapses into a little white ball and get sucked into a dark tunnel. And as I look around I see that the tunnel is like black snake skin. And I think that’s kinda scary. Eventually the tunnel gets wider and wider until it opens into this big canyon.

DMT Trip Report - Part 2 - INSANE!


I feel in some kind of tunnel. All I can see are spiralling and unfolding darkened gothic limbs, within which I see events, images or some concepts of some external perception of myself. Different versions of this 'me' manifest in different universes which seemed somehow separate from my current observation. They kept consistently emerging from a central point, spinning and flowing out and around my periphery.

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea


I perceived the back of me, the front of me, the side of me as I was falling down this machinery wormhole of all this fractals and patterns

Breakthrough DMT Trip Report


Next thing I know I was in these series of tunnels. And the first one is beautiful fractals, all this energy and light moving and twisting around me.

My DMT Experience


As I was sucked into the golden funnel it seemed startlingly clear that all of those symbol systems were not just metaphorical codes but actual gateways to literal dimensions outside of our own.

Daniel Pinchbeck

Breaking Open The Head

I don’t recall breathing out, but am already flying at warp speed through a churning tunnel of energy. This is a lot faster than the changoo, and there are prisms and spheres hurtling through space and time towards me.

Return to the source


and they took me or guided me through some tunnels, portals and passageways. It felt like I was moving through their dimension.

Report #308 — entities

The room itself seemed to stretch infinitely down a long black and white tiled hallway. And the Beings reflected this infinite tunnel as if they were made of liquid metal. It appeared like the hallway was constantly in motion while my feet (if I had any) and the amorphous sphere remained in place.

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite


A tunnel formed in the blackness, and I was pulled into it, I tried to resist, but eventually gave in to this overwhelming force.

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.


The room was now stretching out to a tunnel millions of miles long, very hyperspacey or warp drive like effect.

DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"


The 'plastic' was ALIVE! I was travelling through a biomass wormhole, a galactic vagina

Form Over Physics


and I’m flying through this space with like tornado winds all around me and incredible noise... There were these weird thick CGI more real than real sea urchin things that were in this tunnel with me.

My First DMT Experience: "Death by Astonishment"


What happened when I got to the end of the crazy tunnel which lasted forever. I say a tunnel but it’s like a city and shapes and creatures firing energy and I get to the end and it’s just darkness.

My DMT experiences


I shut my eyes and the geometrics were very dominant, very vivid and seemed like travelling through a tunnel and it was like the wormhole, colorful, crazy, colors you could smell that you’ve never seen.

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience


And there was like a tunnel, a tunnel with lights like a hyperloop tunnel, a hyperspeed tunnel.

First DMT Experience - Trip Report


I felt I hit a gravity well and had the physical feeling of g-force as I dipped down through the white square and into a tunnel. I could see the roof above me. The more I looked the more it opened up into geometric lattices oozing with writhing patterns. There is no pixel limit here, just pure high-resolution, high-tech alien graphic imagery.

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated


and I felt like I was rushing forward through a tunnel

Multino's DMT trip report log


I passed through some sort of tunnel or wormhole at hyper-speed

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light


And then after I see the patterns, like the patterns disappeared then I feel like I was like, going through a fucking tunnel, like falling through a tunnel. To me, when I noticed the tunnel, to me it was like being born again or something.

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience


So, as I'm going through this dimension right, I'm going through this tunnel and it wasn't even really a tunnel. It wasn't really a vortex per se, but it was just all of a sudden, flash, I'm just flying through this, I'm flying through this dimension, this colorful space dimension.

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report


And he just kind of like, pointed and i turned and i got shot through this tunnel and it was purple and it was like, like actually it was kind of like this color it's like a deep purple and it looked like it had honeycombs down the side and there was like dark green vines everywhere.

