
So I took these six drags and I was like, yeah okay. A third drag, no second drag and i'm like, i can see all these colors around me and everything she's turning into this brightly colored being. And I'm like whoa, okay, lie down. I'm going through all of these tunnels but the tunnels are square, so literally like a square on your face and you're literally doing this for the tunnel. And i'm like, okay where am i going and i'm going through all these warp holes and i'm diving in and i'm diving over. And I'm like, where am I going?

Okay let go, let go, let go, surrender just allow it to bring you where it needs to bring you. And then I could feel Chakaruna and I was like Chakuruna. Wow, I saw her. I felt her energy and I was like, okay i'm in safe hands. I let go and then she had me diving through, how can I explain it? No more man. Yes, that's how I'm gonna explain it. Like you got lines at the top and lines at the bottom. It was like a computer game and I got these lines at the top lines at the bottom and I'm literally still diving in. So it's turned from a blue black square, um, to that and i'm going through one of these places and then I'll come back through again.

I said: okay. So we dive in again. I'm still surfing from all these places but I'm surfing inside of myself now. And I'm like, okay why is this but it's just colors and it's snakes and it's um, icaros. Icaros is the people pattern and this pattern is a pattern that is, it is the pattern of the plant of that psychedelic plant and that pattern of the psychedelic plant literally has tunes and music wired into this pattern. So it's literally like a plant speaking to you and this pattern itself will then make its way to your mouth. And when this pattern makes its way to your mouth you will then start singing the song, which is an icaros.

So yeah, I was continually seeing those patterns. I was seeing the snakes and um these snakes literally had me. Like I'm looking like, wow the colors. I was like, wow, this is so intriguing. So yeah, the third time now i've gone in, i'm going through, through, through and all of a sudden i see this bright light and it pushes me straight through the bright light. I end up in this village. This village is basically another initiation for me and once i get into this village i'm on the floor and i'm just literally like, i'm trying to open my eyes and i can see these people running towards me. All these people are running towards me, all African.

I cannot say from which tribe but I want to say Masai, Zulu. That type of tribe. I've been doing a lot of research recently and where my guides have been pointing me in the directions to show me who i am more and show me what i have been initiated into. And I landed on the floor. I'm seeing all these huts and this red dirt under my feet. And as i've landed on that floor i'm just looking around and i'm like, i'm trying to look around so bad but my eyes are literally like this. I'm trying but my eyes are like this. It's like i'm drugged, is what i want to say and they were putting water over me and they're saying all these words. And I could feel that so intensely, wanting to channel through me. Why is this language? I'm not sure it's an ancient language though. But I know someone's gonna come and you know, resonate towards me and show me what this language is.

This is how my life unfolds. So yes, I've landed in this village and all of them ran over to me and they put water around me and they're putting all these things on me. And they're putting red paint on me but they've got red paint all over them and they've got all these necklaces and it's beaded and they've got earrings. Beauty. they've got all these crowns and they're literally doing this jumping up and down jumping up and down and they're, they’re literally taking stuff out of my body and putting stuff in and they're washing me and um, if you don't already know about them spiritual baths. A spiritual bath is something that purifies cleanses and purifies cleanses and protects the auric field and the spiritual body from people coming in, entities coming in and also cleansing and clearing things that are wrong with you.

So yeah, as I'm saying I'm on this floor and they're literally doing all these things to me and they're reviving me and they're screaming and they're talking to me and they're literally putting things into me and I can hear this music. it was so beautiful, so beautiful. I came out of that and i was crying like a baby, like i literally went into baby mold crying because i was like wow. This has really just happened to me. Are you serious?

I always knew that I was different growing up. Um, I was a very quiet child, used to sit behind the setting and just play with my own toys. No one would know I was there but now I overstand it you know, everything's coming into a full circle of overstanding and understanding and understand, understanding. Um, so yeah after that i just realized that i've been initiated by mommy water and the water beings within my mushrooms journey and mummy water came out of the tapestry and literally just came through me and just started pushing me into the water and then i'd have the dmt where i'm in the village and then they're putting all that over me. And then now I found out a lot more information about being a sangoma, and wow. Sorry I could just feel a lot of energy right now.

I feel like I am a sangoma but I'm just yeah i'm exploring more and i know they're going to bring the right people into my world, in my realm in order for me to learn more about that. But yeah, those dmt trips were wild trippy.