11. Tryp to the "Machine"

My first tryp to the "machine"...


With eyes closed I completely left this existence and was pulled into another. It started with CRAZY intense CEV's of intricate geometric patterns and colors in the black space behind my eyes, but as i focused on the blue/orange tunnel/vortex in the center of my vision, it became an entry way by which i felt literally pulled through and the door shut behind me…

As I entered through this tunneling vortex of colors and shapes and flowing energy I came to a room, but as I came upon this room it was as if it was being thought into existence right then and there. I saw blue checkered grids that began to form into walls/floor and ceiling, and as this happened I began to notice the first signs of "entities" being present amongst me.

The walls, ceiling and floor of this place were now covered with thousands of blueish and purple eyes just looking at me full of life. The room itself had many strange, interchanging pieces of other-worldly "furniture" that i had never seen before. Such odd, yet seemingly intelligent little gadgets and contraptions, and atop these "pieces of furniture" were all sorts of other extremely intricate beings and structures that would make no sense here on earth, but seemed to make perfect sense in that head-space. although i can't even really explain how..

In my main field of view and focus I saw an entity begin to take shape and materialize out of thousands of interchanging objects/shapes/colors. It was a male entity that resembled some sort of Native American spirit, with some kind of crazy arrangement of colorful feathers? hard to explain this part not necessarily feathers, but there was a kind of rainbow of stringy colors that drifted upward, coming off the top of his head.

As I watched him, this entity, I saw him sitting there, cross-legged in the same position I had sat while hitting the pipe previously. He was sitting there in this space FILLED with thousands of other unexplainable self-changing entities/beings, big and small, but he himself remained unchanged, although his face and skin and everything were made out of all sorts of colors shapes and designs that were flowing and continuously changing.

All of a sudden it felt like he "acknowledged" me or my presence and his attention shifted to me and he began to reach into this pouch or bag made up of the same interchanging shapes and colors as he was. He reached in and pulled out a handful of more colors, shapes, designs and self transforming "insects" that he threw up into the air and let float upward in an amazing display of radiating colors and designs. It was kind of like he had just thrown some magical dust on a fire that exploded into colors and floated away.

It was after this point of "acknowledgment" and my brief encounter with this entity that the room i was in began to break itself down the same way it had came to be and slowly dismantled as it continued to transform and interchange back into "reality" the room then drifted away, eventually out of my reach. Also I could begin to feel the DMT leaving my body almost as quick as it had came.

I layed there for an additional few minutes afterward to experience and adore the amazing CEV's that were still present. After a couple of minutes my eyes opened somewhat automatically and there were tears that had ran down both cheeks during the experience.

Upon coming down and regaining a sense of conscious thought, I became enveloped with this AMAZING feeling of being at one with the universe. I felt like i had just figured out the answer to everything!, only i cant even translate those answers into words. I was glowing very nicely and even had some mild visuals with my eyes open at this point. I sat and stared at the walls of my bedroom for a few more minutes and watched things slowly shift and morph a little. Everything also seemed to be so much more vibrant and so much more defined.

it was like i was seeing the mathematical/geometrical complexity of the DMT trip here on earth, in this world, only not to the same extent or extreme of course. I was looking at everything with a new set of eyes. which felt wonderful! I felt completely and incredibly relaxed and 100% at peace with myself and with the universe. The whole experience lasted about 5-7 minutes, but what the experience showed/taught me, will be with me forever.