31. DMT Trip Report

DMT trip report: My first trip


Posted byu/IAmTrippingHardRN

I smoked Changa, ~60mg bowls, through a bong with 3 other people.

Through the night I struggled to get visuals. I took 3 big hits and only got a mild body high. This happened with me and the other guys. Two of the guys went to sleep before my breakthrough.

Later I smoked a bowl on my own. The first three hits I had a body high. At the third hit I started feeling my body vibrate. On the fourth hit the vibrations increased and I started getting closed eye visuals. I saw geometric shapes and I started controlling them, letting them show me what they wanted to be and me leading them to that. Eventually they formed a blue tunnel and I propelled myself along it. The tunnel kept narrowing and eventually I got to a barrier, a membrane of sorts but sturdy. I could feel someone waiting beyond that door and they were telling me to let go and take one more hit. I obliged and this time when I closed my eyes the tunnel forced itself in my face and sucked me into it. I wasn't moving, but the tunnel was. I reached the membrane and smashed through it. Another membrane came up and I smashed through it as well. I kept going and tearing through the barriers. As I continued, I felt the presence awaiting me getting stronger and closer.

Eventually I broke through the last membrane. I was met with a room full of people and objects. I could see the geometry behind everything as if it's the building blocks of everything, everything had different shapes and colours that represented it. There was one person in the center of the room that stood out. I knew he was looking straight at me even though I couldn't make out any facial features except his brown beard and hair. He motioned to me and took me to a drum kit with a person playing it, which I could hear vaguely, as if it's in mono sound. The man looks at me and says if I want to experience it right, I should take another last hit.

As I was holding the bong, orange-yellow sparks came from my fingers. I had a toke and laid back in my chair, holding the smoke as long as I can. I rush through the tunnel again, this time in full colour with no membranes. I burst into the room and I could hear the drums clearly, walking around them and hearing the sound move. The man called to me, pushed his hands into my chest, and ripped me in two, splitting my physical and my spirit. I was in the perspective of my spirit, looking at my physical body, and it starts to glow a gold orange. My physical representation starts showing glimpses of all the people I hold dear, everything I value and everywhere I had influence. Then it starts crumbling to dust, spreading over the ground. I immediately felt as if that didn't really matter, that I didn't lose myself, but lost my worldly representation. Then a tree starts to sprout from the dust, also glowing a striking bronze-gold now. It grew massive, filling the room. It sprouted roots and spread past the floor, disintegrating everything into a primordial geometry.

The man grabbed my arm and with a smile, he told me he wanted to show me something. He pulled me into the air and through the roof of the room, and everything explodes back into the geometry, except the tree and its roots. I saw the roots extend and intertwine with roots of different trees from other people's rooms, each with different colours.

The man told me we are part of a bigger organism, we each have a different perspective and it can be useful to explain things in concepts we already know.

I started feeling a presence next to me in the empty chair next to my seat. The man took me down to Earth and flinged my spirit into my body. He sat down in another body that wasn't there previously. He grabbed my arm again and pulled my spirit so I was standing. He stood up and said: "I need to show you something more."

He gave me a hug and as I touched him he dissolved into a geometric humanoid shape. He sucked me into him and while inside of him, he zoomed into space. He showed me Earth, the solar system and the galaxy, with everything in motion. He showed me the universe. While this was happening, he was telling me how small and insignificant each person has, but that the universe functioned as an organism and each part is needed to operate it. The roots of each person shone like stars and you could see the collective through the galaxy.

He took me back into the tunnel and we sat down in it, him sitting across from me. He started shape shifting to animals and eventually a baby. He grew up into me and past my age. He grew a beard and turned into the man from the start of my breakthrough. He showed me that the first man was myself. He brought my physical self to the center of the tunnel and stripped away all the worldly things, leaving the things that define me as a person, character traits, morals and ethics. My beliefs and experiences. He told me that this is what really matters.

He told me that I have all the knowledge I need right now, and that everything I need to learn will fall in place with time if I let it. He told me to avoid looking for questions I don't need answered right now.

The tunnel in all its colour brought me back to Earth, putting my soul back into my body. I woke up to the physical world suddenly and started telling my friend about my breakthrough. This trip left me very satisfied with where I am in life and answered a lot of questions, giving me confidence about things I didn't know I needed.