24. Examining the Cube

My Second Dmt Experience - A Trip Report 'Examining the Cube'

Misha Lee


13 Aug 2015

So, I had the blindfold on and took in a lot more than I had last time and heard this sound. I sat there for a little bit and felt the colors and the familiarity of the experience. So, eventually I fall back and am lying down.

I’m watching what looks like very detailed drawings that seem to have some Egyptian influence. First, I see a man and it’s a rectangular frame and around the frame is a bent arm, like an arm that has multiple elbows and the hand that’s just gnarly and things. Somewhere in there is a man’s face.The rest of his body is kind of melded together.

And inside of the square there are very small windows of color, outlined in black and greens and blues and purples. It’s very beautiful. What happens to the rectangle is that it pushes inwards and that reveals these walls and now it’s like I’m looking inside a box. The walls are copies of the image and somehow it perpetuates itself inside like a pattern. And that’s like a shifting block that’s moving and on the other side of that cube is a woman and she has these really big eyes. Different colors: purples, pinks, yellows. And turning and showing me there is another realm beyond it.

The next side kind of looked like a bird leg and then at the top there’s a bird head that’s combined with a female or a person’s face. And it was greens, purples, blues and a really beautiful pattern inside. This one was showing me something else. This one pushed in then instead of showing me the inside of a cube, the wall that I had been looking at folded in. That revealed that there was an even longer hallway with even more walls and even more pictures and more faces and more that I could not completely see but it seems to go infinitely down.

And then the structure becomes more interactive and the bird structure is moving. It’s kind of blending into itself, sort of like puzzle pieces showing that they fit in multiple ways.

To interact with it my hands started moving in multiple ways. I feel this sense of rhythm and harmony in this space. I decide to flow inside of that, and feeling this movement. So I’m just moving my hands around and while I’m doing that I’m manipulating the space, the visual space that I’m looking at.

When the vibration stopped I found myself inside a dark space. It felt like it was really abrupt, like it got cut off.