Teachers & Guides

Artist Unknown

Teachers and Guides are the most common Role entities take on, although they come in many different Appearances. Some Teachers and Guides looked like jesters, fractal like, geometric shapes, angels, humanoids with strange heads, had flowing bodies or clothes and some shape-shifted through different forms.

What these Teachers and Guides do is to bring people to different places, give gifts, perform ceremonies, show the visitors symbols and equations, give unusual objects, teach secrets and share profound knowledge.

He was catching this sung/breathed mass in both hands and proffering it to me. Stunned, it took me some time to take it into my hands. When I did accept it the being turned away from me without a second thought, I wondered whether this was common for him, strange aliens turning up to receive his blessing, for I had recognized this as some sort of shamanistic/psychedelic ceremony for when I looked around the table there were other beings like the first whom he had now turned his attention to and was repeating the process of blowing/singing objects into existence for each being.

At the Table of the Red Tribe


He pulls his hands apart and he shows me that the space between has something like a cat’s cradle with strings connecting to his hands. And again with symbols and numbers and letters and things. And then he gets real serious for a second and holds his hands together and separates them and laughs and puts that away.

And he grabs onto the rectangle he was holding onto, which is like the side of the screen and pulls that away. And he shows that there is this rich depth and so I’m looking at the insides between two layers of reality. And he’s pointing to all the tendrily texturely things and they’re all purple and ruffly. And I’m appreciating it like it’s art.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip


These entities, they start saying some things that I can’t repeat on camera otherwise I’ll sound like a crazy man. It was just so profound and I think so factual that it just made a lot more sense than anything else has before. They start telling me these ultra deep secrets. And I feel this shift of awareness and I’m losing my sense of myself. And they’re taking me into a deeper and deeper place just by talking to me.

First DMT Experience - This Was Insane!


She kept communicating to me, “Look at it! Look at it! Isn’t this awesome?!” This continued, and I kept my eyes on that unbelievable object as the scene began to fade.

Report #40 — entities


And then I look up and these two entities that were in that first room don’t look like cartoon characters anymore. They were my guides and I could feel I was safe. And they were angels and they are flying me up

My DMT Experience


This weird being with an elongated head. It had this giant 3rd eye and it blended in with the background of this realm. It started speaking to me in a language that wasn’t English but it was a language I could understand. He was giving me a piece of the master plan.

DMT: First Experience


and they turned their attention towards me and I said out loud "hello" and they took me or guided me through some tunnels, portals and passageways.

Dana tries DMT


As if all in one syllable, it tells me it will show me an image to make sense of what's happening, so pay close attention. Then, as if somebody flicked the switch on a Viewmaster, an image appears of a rainbow-striped smile-and-eyes like wet spaghetti noodles.

Rather, the beings are gazing infinitely deeper into me as I stare into them, and it's as if the floodgates of our souls have been lifted so everything that is me can be sensualized and experienced by them, (communion) and everything that's each of them is flowing into me without reserve, and they into each other.

Tongues of Divinity


They were all sort of dancing around in this very synchronized, sort of ritualistic like dance. Dino just sat there in this space and observed these beings in amazement and thought it best at the time not to try and communicate with them since they did not acknowledge him first. He felt like maybe they were trying to show him something important through this interpretive dance so he thought it best not to interrupt. He's still not quite sure what this all meant, but it had very good vibes about it.

Dinos Experience Report


First I asked this woman how she and the others navigated a place that was so complex because though this place had aspects of our reality it was so much more complex. She promptly responded to this with the question: "How do you navigate your own world" with a smile on her face. Next I asked her the existential question : "Where do I and the human race come from?". She told me that the human race and all human civilization had been seeded on earth off of other planets and that all early civilization on earth had its roots on other planets. She did not say but she implied that this was one of the reasons that the building we were in seemed so much like Greek architecture to me. She told me about so many other things but to my shame and dismay I can't remember what she said.

Greece Planet? What am I Kid Icarus?


After he made the 2 artifacts he cupped them in each hand and forced them through my ears and into my brain finally settling in the center where what I think is my pineal gland and it felt like it was on fire.

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?


And that’s like a shifting block that’s moving and on the other side of that cube is a woman and she has these really big eyes. Different colors: purples, pinks, yellows. And turning and showing me there is another realm beyond it.

My Second Dmt Experience - A Trip Report 'Examining the Cube


The child was trying to tell me to stop being scared. Until it gets to the point when she almost puts her arm around my head and shoulder to give me a yank to stop and get my attention. Which she did and said: Shhh. Come to the box. So then the scene changed and the crazy lady was gone. And what was in front of me is a box, not a normal box.

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report


The entities sit on the top part of the frame and are watching me, based on my reactions to this info they respond differently. I remember at times feeling a sense of confusion and submission, one raises its hand at me, correcting like a teacher

My final journey (for a while)


Then the being was there with me. And the being says: “Look what I’ve made for you. It’s perfect, it’s eternal” And when the being did that, it put out it’s hand like this and the next thing I saw was the entire universe and it was spinned and rotating. And I was like: “Oh my god!” And when he said it was perfect and eternal, it hit home with me, he made this. And as the universe was spinning I could see souls being reincarnated at a certain point in the spin.

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?


I started feeling a presence next to me in the empty chair next to my seat. The man took me down to Earth and flinged my spirit into my body. He sat down in another body that wasn't there previously. He grabbed my arm again and pulled my spirit so I was standing. He stood up and said: "I need to show you something more."

He gave me a hug and as I touched him he dissolved into a geometric humanoid shape. He sucked me into him and while inside of him, he zoomed into space. He showed me Earth, the solar system and the galaxy, with everything in motion. He showed me the universe. While this was happening, he was telling me how small and insignificant each person was, but that the universe functioned as an organism and each part is needed to operate it. The roots of each person shone like stars and you could see the collective through the galaxy.

DMT trip report: My first trip


and along bopped these cartoon characters and they seemed pleased and beckoned me on…

Report #293 — entities

Before I had a chance to really form another thought, the eye said "Let me show you something"...... and suddenly the white light is gone, and I feel and SEE myself rising out of my own forehead

Report #236 — entities

Without words I got the impression that they wanted me to follow them. It was as though they were saying, “Come with us! We have the most important thing to show you!”

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite


And suddenly they pull my field of vision up and one of them hops out of the side of my field of view and just slaps this tablet in my face. This was a living thing that was rectangular and in it held worlds

My First DMT Experience


And they keep presenting them to me, trying to push my face into them, get me to play with them. And I keep pulling away, trying to escape. I say, 'Man, that's kid stuff! That's just a toy for a baby! I want to speak to the captain!'

I am shown the universe at large. I mean, they give me a view of outer space where the Milky Way galaxy is just a tiny dot. There are spaceships and creatures *everywhere* flying hither-thither. It's like downtown New York City. Hella people. And outer space is yellow, instead of black, for some reason. There is a human being here. A black guy. He points out the window, and says to me, 'In the universe, shit is going *down*!'

They give me an arm load full of white binders and put me in a little escape pod and shoot me back down to earth. The binders are some kind of instruction manuals, or technical documents.

Play with the technology!


Then this one alien-like creature took my hand and we launched up into the yellow abyss. He told me not to be afraid.

DMT trip


Though I couldn't see the source, something was informing me in a matter of fact style that I was dead but not to worry because I had never been alive in the first place. The exact words escape me now but the message seemed to be along the lines of "life is a paradox, a life, an illusion."

Gone Forever, Then Back Again


These entities showed me their landscape and wanted to know what I thought. If I remember rightly, large man, small song on top of a cliff. I’m like: “This is fantastic, you guys are like teachers.

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience


From there I was told by a small man sitting in a plant that I was mediocre, and that in and of itself, my mediocrity had a function, which was to define what is great, and what is not, because how can the great be great if it is commonplace?

I, in my mediocrity, was a necessary element of greatness, then, and this eased my spirit.

Infinity of the Now


The magician showed a hyperspace, 4-D box and shifted my perspective. At one point, he willed that I look on a square with designs on it. Like an optical illusion, I waited to see what morphing it would undergo under my supervision.

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe


The Buddha-like figure beckoned me to come closer,

Multino's DMT trip report log


The man was black and tribal, he smiled at me and opened the door, motioning me to go through. And there I was, in this beautiful room filled with rows and rows of men who were statues, their eyes closed and perfectly still

Universal energy flowed through me WOW


It was like a small ball of white light and it began to communicate with me telepathically, telling me that there were things I needed to change in my life.

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light


They stood in front of me in a semi circle, looking at me, and without words somehow, welcoming me to this place. Although they didn’t say anything verbally, I felt them welcoming me. And after sending me a welcome “vibe” the semi circle broke in half and they each opened one arm toward this city as if to allow me inside, encouraging me to explore.

Journey #3: The Golden City and Beyond
