17. Dinos Experience Report

Dinos Experience Report


Dino took two full sized hits and one smaller sized hit, all back to back and he held each one long and deep.He could already feel the effects and shift in his vision and consciousness after the second hit, but he knew there was only one hit left and decided to go for it to make sure he got where he was trying to go.

Half way through the last hit the effect began to grow intensely and he felt that rocket launching, blast off feeling that made him quickly put the pipe down, lay his head back and close his eyes..

At this point Dinos' vision became flooded with hundreds of crisscrossing purple and green tubes or vines of some sort that were decorated with the most intricate geometric designs. These tubes?, wires?, vines?, snakes? whatever they were, were woven into some huge interconnected web that was kind of just floating there in this space. during this time huge waves of euphoria began rushing over him.

As the effects became stronger, he felt as if he were being pulled through hyperspace and into this machine-like web of pipes/tubes. After being pulled through into this space he was no longer looking at this "web" but he was inside it and it surround him flowing constantly with vibrant color and design. These vines or pipes or whatever, were now surrounding him like a sphere and enclosing him in this sort of "room" I guess you could call it.

Inside this space was a group of entities that resembled the look of the ancient Egyptians. They had very golden tan, almost bronze skin and were almost naked except for the small linens they had covering their genitals and they were covered in tattoos of incredible symbols and designs.

The way they were all positioned was sort of like bowling pins. The one in the front and center of the group stood out in front of all the other, much more noticeable and much more lifelike. Then there were smaller "clones" of this Egyptian entity standing behind him and to the sides of him, there were about 4-5 of them total, but like I said the one in front caught my attention and stood out the most. He seemed to be there leader.

They were all sort of dancing around in this very synchronized, sort of ritualistic like dance. Dino just sat there in this space and observed these beings in amazement and thought it best at the time not to try and communicate with them since they did not acknowledge him first. He felt like maybe they were trying to show him something important through this interpretive dance so he thought it best not to interrupt. He's still not quite sure what this all meant, but it had very good vibes about it.

After observing them and particularly the one in the front for awhile, they seemed to dance away into the darkness and shift back into waves of color and brilliant designs. Dino sat there for a good additional 5 minutes afterward with his eyes closed admiring the beautiful CEV's and observing his breathing. Taking it all in.