85. What the DMT Aliens Look Like



Apr 1, 2017

dakota of earth

I take two giant hits and I'm instantly beamed out of my body there was a lot of different colors, a lot of different, like oranges and reds, yellows. Anyway I can explain this realm which doesn't really justify it at all it was it looks like play-doh that was like constantly just going like changing colors and just moving and like sort of melting like think of like a volcano made of play-doh and it's like spraying out like play-doh strips of lava kind like that but not at the same time. I said this I said this quote before but Terence Mckenna says there's a transcendental realm beyond language. it's just hard as hell to talk about so it's like any psychedelic experience. That quote you know sums it up. You can't talk about these things because language is so clumsy. The thing was was so strange to me about this experience was that I had like, an astral body and I could move my astral neck and the vision would change in this realm like I could... the wherever I moved my neck I could move and it would change the vision and I got, you look here, look over here look back here and it was the thing with whatever it was would still be there as if this place just existed.

And there was this creature that was like dancing around me and it looked like the thing from The Nightmare Before Christmas with like as it danced around, it would like shape-shift and spit out these colors. I've also met beings another scenario that looks like mushrooms for example. And the thing about the mushroom beings is that, like they're very earth. They seem like earth spirits and they want to communicate with you. They want to like, they want to like, elevate your consciousness, whereas the DMT beings seem very alien and seem like I don't know like they're not so much interested in like, I can't even really explain it. They’re kind of there and they're interested in you but not in a personal way. It seems like or at least my experience with them.

There was full a lot of like, vibrant blues and purples and like shades within that spectrum. I'm like my other trip which was very like, red. This was very, this it almost seemed like a desert at night you know like all the different shades of like the sky at night. They the paint the purple like all of that it looked like that. It didn't look like a sky. It looked like I was in a very like I don't even know the only way I can describe it is it felt like a desert, like it looked like there was like cactuses there like but they weren't cactuses. It just felt like that whatever that even means. It just felt like it was a desert. No it didn't feel like a desert in the way that was like sort of sandy, dead and lifeless but it was very vibrant and alive. Everything was alive but everything wiggled and moved.

I held an awareness that was able to move and to look around this dimension and I looked over and there was these snakes. I think there was like two or three of these snakes and they seemed to be looking the other direction and then you know one of them looked at me and all of a sudden all of them were just, all these snakes instantaneously like, within a few seconds not even, they were flying inside of my stomach and just like flying through my body to the point where like, I could feel it like I was like having to like grab ahold of something.

It was super overwhelming and super scary in the moment but I remember I just had a breath. I just tell myself like, this is why you came over here to just your he came here to experience these realms and to experience these beings and to make contact. This is why I'm here. I just keep telling myself and just keep saying whatever happens so let it happen, let it happen and as soon as I could surrender I was able to just watch, opposed to being in like the panic of it.

These rainbow serpents had like every color you can think of radiating through their body. The only way I can just describe it is that they started dissecting my body on what felt like this giant cosmic operation table, just like this operation table of just radiant light that my astral body was just laying on. These snakes were just like just clearing out all these negative blockages that I had inside of my stomach and my torso. As soon as they were done like cleaning me out, I was confronted with the most radiant beautiful overwhelming white light ever and like the only way I can describe it is like this is the closest experience I've had to make in contact with God. It sounds so dumb but it's the only way I can describe it it's like that that was an experience of divinity. It was an experience of transcendence and it felt like everything existed inside there. I mean there was nothing there there was no separateness but it didn't it just felt like the place where all things were like it felt like a place of infinite potential and it was just all love.