28. My Final Journey

My final journey (for a while)


I felt the effects very soon, a creeping feeling in my body, red and green outlines surrounding everything and tracers of these colors. I sat back and looked at the world as I broke through, I saw the trees, the lake, and they descended into hyperspace textures. Letters, Colors and shapes. I could only see the outlines of these trees, the rest were filled with patterns.

I felt the presence of many entities, I sat back and closed my eyes. Immediately I was submerged in hyperspace, it's a dark place at first, there is this object in the center, it's a diamond-sphere 4-D combo.

It pulsates and shifts, words in hyperspace language surround it. This object shifts and can be anything, I realize it responds to your thoughts and can reflect your feelings. The shapes and patterns surrounding it look like entities, in fact they are. The entities sit on the top part of the frame and are watching me, based on my reactions to this info they respond differently. I remember at times feeling a sense of confusion and submission, one raises its hand at me, correcting like a teacher I realize. At one point I just look at the object and imprint it into my memory, at that, one female entity reached across my chest and did something. Perhaps this is what McKenna described as them jumping into your body. It felt sort of like part of her entered me.

There is another shift, and I'm in that pure space, the first hyperspace I went to when I broke through the first time, I hadn't been here in forever, it seemed like only the spice I used to have could get me there. But here I was again, it's golden and the walls are literally made of the entities, they crawl out and move along this room. I see this space but it's so difficult to comprehend, it's like the mind forgets the most deep part of the journey.

I see this Golden room for a while, and then I fade out. My sense perception is distorted, I'm sitting outside this time so my body feels like it's inside a room. I always get these shifts, as if inside and outside are just two perceptions of the mind, and the feeling of each can be switched relatively easily.

As I come down, I see patterns, shapes, symbols and letters arranged in circular patterns, I open my eyes again and look at the sky. I feel the final grasp of the entities, they reach out and shake my hand, something they hadn't done in months. They are all embracing me and bidding me farewell like they used to do. I enjoyed these old trips so much, my recent excursions were nothing like this.