77. DMT trip report

DMT trip report (bizarre alien mantis dmt entities)


31 Oct 2019

Dreaming Jaguars

So second ingestion instantaneously, the geometry doesn't really, when you've opened the door, the geometry you pass through that stack, that shield, that membrane very very quickly. And this time I went through, bang! And I managed to sort of catch a recollection of the blue lady kind of with the silver shield thing again, kind of going into that for a split second and it was kind of like going down a water flume, through the geometry and into a space. And this space was another world. And I'm talking, sort of desert environment, black sand, dark sand, sort of death valley style. I do heat. And parked in the middle of these two dunes, filling my vision, was a vehicle of some sort, a iridescent to the tenth power, neon shifting, changing swirling carnival of lights but it was like a chariot.

And I remember looking at it and thinking: “What the fuck have I done?”

Kind of like being on an alien planet is what it felt like, with the DMT edge, still an alternative, still a dimension not of ours, obviously, but there were definitely more aspects of it being similar to our physical reality than the sort of geometric domain of hyperspace. And so I'm looking at this chariot, this distraction in the desert, of this carnival of light. And I'm kind of looking at it and it's red, it's gold. Red was predominantly its color, fire red, but shifting geometry, as anybody that's had this experience will understand but within this carnival of light there are beings on and around this thing. And I don't know whether or not I shift of perspective or a shift in my visual field or what it was but all of a sudden, in my field of view, directly in my face, right in my face is an alien mantis, insectoid god, entity. Still built of the geometry of the DMT experience but more solid, more crystalline. There was a coldness to it, there was an analytical vibe to this thing, that was checking me out to saying: “What the fuck are you doing here?”

And okay, I'm going to use this to my advantage, I am going to assess this creature. me, and I'm going to read into its DNA, its mind. And it stood in front of my face, just literally scanning me, it felt like scanning my very essence and my make up, my genetic makeup. But this thing was in my face scanning me. I am in its environment. This is where this thing lived, this is where these guys reside, this was their planet, this is their backyard. And it was scary and overwhelming. There was nothing ethereal about it, nothing spiritual. This was cold hard alien interaction and you know, when I came out of the experience, I kind of wanted it to end. You know face this thing up, I mean, you know we stand by what we say when we go into the experience, you have to stand and face these things and that's what I did. I didn't back down from it but I was completely aware that I was in this thing’s garden and it was all over me like a rash. And it was kind of there as the experience was waning out. This mantis presence was there just waiting for me to go, trying to get every inch that it could before it's time was up, before my time's up and I came back into the room and my body came back with fuzzy and crackling audio sensations.

And I was like, holy shit, you know I had no body in that experience, I was gone, I was completely out of place. It was one of my most challenging, one of my most intense and still, actually looking at it now from an exploratory perspective, one of the best DMT experiences I’ve had.