76. Psychonaught talk on DMT

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience and the uniqueness of this magical psychedelic



12 Dec 2019

I shut my eyes and the geometrics were very dominant, very vivid and seemed like travelling through a tunnel and it was like the wormhole, colorful, crazy, colors you could smell that you’ve never seen. So the next thing you know I’m in this room that I’ve heard referred to as the DMT dome. I mean I’m in a room and there’s archways and colors and geometric patterns and so I pass through there rather quickly and the next thing I’m kinda floating somewhere, in an unknown space and shit and I’m being shown this machinery. The people who wrote the movie Artificial Intelligence, you know the end when the aliens land and their ships are made up of all these fucking pieces that integrate and lock and move, the machinery I was shown is very very similar. This was previous to seeing the movie and you know, any correspondence with anything. The machinery I was shown was more block-like cut out like it was part of a pyramid type design. The way the blocks moved, intricate, up, down, side to side, interconnecting and moving and driving something that I can’t really tell you what it is, because I don’t know. I was just being shown something fucking cool.

Travelling on through the machinery there was just more geometric patterns, there’s a fucking cliff. I look around and see these three things. Let’s call them entities, I’m stopped short of calling them aliens because you know, there’s still a lot of debate as to what the fuck that you do encounter out there cause the shit is just fucking crazy. I kinda of liken these things to the Marklar from South Park; eggheads, long skinny fingers and a cross between classic alien thing; tall skinny, orange maybe. It’s hard to remember, everything in DMT is communicate telepathically. These entities showed me their landscape and wanted to know what I thought. If I remember rightly, large man, small song on top of a cliff.

I’m like: “This is fantastic, you guys are like teachers. I could see on a larger scale that they were like protectors. They surrounded the planet with elongated spiritual extensions. I turn around and tell the entities I want to see more. “Can you take me somewhere else?”

Unfortunately, the answer I got was not the answer I wanted. They said: “No.” I said “Why?” The answer I got was: “You’re not treating your body the way you should be. You’re not doing good to yourself the way you should be.” And they said this is important. And that was enough for me to come to and really start considering training again, get fit and eating better.The other really big thing after this experience is that I’m not really afraid of dying.