
Humanoids were one of the most common forms of entities and they took on various shapes and sizes such as small elves, normal humans and immense god-like beings. Sometimes they appeared as aliens, family members, had strange shaped bodies or heads, limbs with extra joints or that separate in unusual ways. Their clothing varied from spacesuits to tribal to that of ancient Egyptians or Greeks and their skin varied in color, sometimes blue, red or golden. Their language was usually telepathic or easily understood.

They acted as shamans, teachers, magicians, guides, guardians, surgeons, technicians, creators, musicians and dancers. Their dispositions varied from friendly, loving, caring, annoyed, disinterested, preoccupied and curious.

In front of me also seated at the table was a being who, as the scene opened was proffering me the anemone/object. He (I mentally referred to the beings as male throughout although they wore no coverings, had no decorations, and all the beings I encountered looked the same to me) was humanoid though bright mahogany colored (the whole scene was in bright warm colors) he had reasonably human hands. His face however was very strange. Head roughly the size of and shape of a horse’s they had one or two roughly human eyes but the bottom of the head was a mass of writhing or melting tentacles. If he had been more human like I would say these tentacles would be his mouth and nose as they began below his eyes and hung to mid chest.

At the Table of the Red Tribe

Everything was made of fractals, except this woman. Well, when I say "woman", I mean I felt that she was female, or had a certain femininity about her. She was dancing and had this sort of shroud around her, and in the middle of her body there was this dot of bright white light.

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.

On a dark wet street corner, I see my mother and sister standing. The sight of them aches in me the way love does when it's far and out of reach and all there is to hold onto is a memory.

Tongues of Divinity

In the park, there was no one, except a small girl, beside some object which I can't really describe.

A stroll through the park

and there was beings there and they were somewhat humanoid in shape wearing robes and long flowing bodies of some kind, they were much more bell shaped than humans are.

Dana tries DMT

I looked up and saw a teenage girl with a pig's face, wearing a full space suit. She was soon joined by her father (also pig faced)

crash landing in deep space asteroid suburbs

I also heard an old married couple laughing in the candle light to my left.

Cleverly Human

Then suddenly hundreds of naked shaman women all glowing and shimmering appear from within the flames, vibrating with the sound of creations, and singing songs of joy and love. I watched them dance and celebrate my presence for what seemed to be a lifetime.

Creation and the Order of Survival (freebase Experience Report)

In this Parthenon of sorts there were many women (some of them pregnant) but no men and all of the pregnant ones were naked, the others wore a variety of clothes including traditional Grecian dresses.

Greece Planet? What am I Kid Icarus?

Inside this space was a group of entities that resembled the look of the ancient Egyptians. They had very golden tan, almost bronze skin and were almost naked except for the small linens they had covering their genitals and they were covered in tattoos of incredible symbols and designs.

Dinos Experience Report

And as soon as I had that thought a woman’s face appeared on this red glass.... I’m this ball of energy and all these little elves run up and they start building me a body... And this is the first time I see her in human form. So she steps off and I step off and a few feet in front of me I see her. She has long dark hair, bluish, translucent, with white lines and white dots.

INSANE! Total Body Destruction!

And there was a woman, I perceived as a woman, who was very chaotic in the way she was conducting herself. She was moving around very quickly. She had crazy hair, she had wild eyes and wanted everyone to be quiet... And then next to the woman was a small child

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report

I had the perception of a feminine presence, while simultaneously observing an entity that resembled Alex Grey's 'sophia' rising through it... Suddenly, very close to me I perceived an entity that was just like an outline of a humanoid form, a shadow outline mostly, that seemed to come into my field of 'vision' and look over me.

First Impressions

There was one person in the center of the room that stood out. I knew he was looking straight at me even though I couldn't make out any facial features except his brown beard and hair.

DMT trip report: My first trip

I became instantly aware of what could be described as the 'greys' your classic alien, much to my surprise they came running over and started to perform a series of tests as if to monitor my trip.

Report #108 — entities

I'm trying to open my eyes and I can see these people running towards me. All these people are running towards me, all African.


and on the other side of that cube is a woman and she has these really big eyes. Different colors: purples, pinks, yellows.

My Second Dmt Experience

I thought nothing of it and noticed that my Mom and my Grandma were there with me, wearing white robes and talking to me non-verbally.

The Grape Orchard on Top of the Clouds

And there’s this guy standing on the one wall and he’s just kinda leaning up against it, implying something about depth but I don’t quite understand it. And he’s happy to see me. He goes to grab onto his elbow and then opens up his arm and between the elbow and the tip of his finger are several strings that form. And along those strings are little letters and numbers and equations, symbols and things like that.

DMT Trip Report

I was surrounded by 'nurses' of distinctly elfin appearance. Humanoid, short, thin, with beautiful blue piercing eyes.

Whimsical Arrogance Leads to the Cosmic ER

I go into a bay where there are two people in space suits working on a large machine they are building.

Play with the technology!

Even though he looked quite mean, quite gobliny, he was just sort of looking out for me.

DMT - Multidimensional Experience Feat Buddha

And then I’m in this story of some people just walking by, kind of cartoon-like characters. Knobby joints and long lanky limbs

My First DMT Experience (a trip report)

I kinda of liken these things to the Marklar from South Park; eggheads, long skinny fingers and a cross between classic alien thing; tall skinny, orange maybe.

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience

From there I was told by a small man sitting in a plant that I was mediocre, and that in and of itself, my mediocrity had a function

Infinity of the Now

There were beings in this place. They were humanoid, as far as I can remember, which is unfortunately not far enough. I recall a blue entity (a blue the color of certain celestial Buddhas in Tibetan thangka paintings), gesturing-in my memory I see him with one hand raised, waving at me.

Daniel Pinchbeck

Breaking Open The Head

Those rays were these tiny little people all holding weird tiny like, normal geometric patterns like an octagon, hexagon, pentagon, triangles, circle, rectangle.

DMT: The Alien Maxtrix (Trip Report)

the magician bowed out and allowed me to go backstage with him to float down the "internet" of universal energy

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe

As soon as I closed my eyes and laid back, I was presented with a seated Buddha-like figure radiating pure peace and compassion.

Multino's DMT trip report log

I saw this man, who was red and his face was like this very boxish but like it had a very strong chin and he had one eyeball and he was doing like, weird things with his hands.


and on it sat a female Buddha... all the fractals were made of women who moved and undulated. Beautiful fractal fields unfolded and the female inhabitants danced and moved inside the wave

3rd Times a Charm

There were humanoid beings skirting the edge of the room, these beings weren’t like watchers, I didn’t feel that their job was to observe me, it was more like they were getting on with their day and I had been dropped into their reality

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better

the men all had golden skin with lilac, pale pink and minty green patterns all over them, underneath their skin which was like holograms, it was like seeing the shapes underneath depended on how I was looking at it,

Universal energy flowed through me WOW

At this point, a hologram or visual of my mother appeared before me, and through her upper body, a large white light pierced through her, where her heart was.

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light

I was greeted by seven or eight Egyptian-esque beings. Each one wore a very ornate gold and blue headdress... Here was an older couple, human, maybe in their 50s or 60s, dressed in early twentieth century garb. He, in a tuxedo, and she, in a long white dress with lace and her hair pinned up. They were ballroom dancing together.

Journey #3: The Golden City and Beyond