71. My first DMT trip

My first DMT trip

8 Jan 2020

Mani Manu


So I hit it hard 3 times and I looked around me and it was sacred geometry all over the wall. And I went into this space and all I saw was my chakras aligned and they were glowing bright and at the top was a pyramid. And I went inside the pyramid and when I went inside I saw this dragon holding onto its tail, which is how I knew it was kundalini energy.

And it opened up itself and let go, so I knew I opened up my kundalini and it turned into a yin and yang. And then yin and yang turned into different colored frequencies that I’d never seen before. And then I turned into a snake and I saw Ganesha and these other gods and they were like guiding me but they were like pitch black with stars all through their body.

And when I was a snake there were like a layer of skin that was peeling off of me like this dead layer and there was like a new beginning. And I was shedding all the past traumas and everything that was holding me back and just ready for renewal. And then at the end of that I seen the bright white light and all I felt was love in its purest form. It made me not want to leave since it was so captivating like holding onto me. And as soon as I went through the white light I came back and I was back at home and I looked up again and there was sacred geometry everywhere.