Darkness and Voids

One of the most common Environments entered into is a place of vast immeasurable Darkness or Void. While these are unfathomable empty places, visitors rarely stay in them long. They are most often transitional spaces that lead to another Environment or empty stages where Entities and Objects appear.

It was completely black. Not like black when you close your eyes - there were none of those yellow dots you usually see in your vision when it's dark, it was completely black. The most black I have ever seen.

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.



And all of a sudden there was this black space with rainbows and stars everywhere.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough


We’re in this dark canyon with walls that go up hundreds of feet and there is blackness above me and blackness all the way down. And forever ahead of me is blackness.

DMT Trip Report - Part 2 - INSANE! Total Body Destruction!


When the vibration stopped I found myself inside a dark space.

My Second Dmt Experience


they seemed to dance away into the darkness

Dinos Experience Report


I was in this, I think I was in darkness

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors


It's dark and congested with thoughts like a ball of knots that I'm tasked to untie.

Tongues of Divinity


everything started to go completely dark, absolute darkness.

250mg DMT Heroic dose led to a Spiritual Download


Immediately I was submerged in hyperspace, it's a dark place at first

My final journey (for a while)


In the darkness I feel pressure forces of incredible acceleration

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea


I found myself, my truest self floating in a deep space between time and between worlds.

What DMT Feels Like | Immersive Experience


I then left the tunnel and seemed to be in deep space far from human consciousness

Report #108 — entities


Suddenly I shot out into "space". I say space because it was black and void

Report #107


And as soon as I was through that boundary, it was... out of the darkness and into the light

Report #138 — entities

I was floating in blackness, but had a feeling of sensation

Report #235 — entities

I began to follow them but the world, whilst colourful, was flat; it was devoid of detail

Report #293 — entities

slowly faded into darkness

Report #209 — entities

I travel for what must be light years, further and further into the void.

Return to the source


I was flying through blackness.

The Grape Orchard on Top of the Clouds


and I travelled back through the tunnel into nothingness

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.


The color of my environment began changing from yellow to red then to pink then to gold and then everything went black.

DMT trip


I come out the other end and some crazy shit happens then it’s complete darkness.

My DMT experiences


I cannot recall the transition to the void, there were no colors, or visions in the traditional sense. I realized immediately that I had actually poisoned myself, and this was not a DMT trip at all, this was death.

Infinity of the Now


Out of the inky blackness a landscape started to unfold

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated


These beings seemed to be connected to nothingness, their arms and legs didn’t seem to end; they seemed to fade into the nothingness.

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better


and then I shot away, through blackness

Universal energy flowed through me WOW


At this point where I was at again this time, it was just like black and then all these fucking light patterns and shit just comes out of nowhere.

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience
