50. Report #269

Two tokes, lungs full, maybe 35- 45 mg in the bowl. I vapourize most or all of it ... and then I'm in that familiar place; kids, in the play pen. They all knew me this time, absolutely saying "Hi!" and "look" at us. It was 'calmer' than last time I was there; the previous time I ended 'running around' like a brat, getting somehow led out of the 'playpen' by that behaviour. This time I stayed longer. I watched the 'toys” that were being shown to me. And they were some toys! "Toys" were those "Logos"-covered creations, being held on outstretched hands or even worn as "hats" . The children that were showing these amazing "blocks" seemed older than the rest; 8- or 10-year-olds, not toddlers and 5-year-olds. The older kids didn't run around and hide, they stood and showed me their "hats" and toys... I knew enough to think they're 'the toys' ...

Hyperspace 'music' was being played and 'portrayed' in the designs on the toys that moved and changed; I had never seen music like this. The "music" was more like resonating harmonic sounds made by a metallic sounding 'instrument' ; coded harmonies. The snake in the wall was also still there; again I'm sure the snake is what some of the kids transform into. The kids seem 'real' or realistic, the snake is jewel-encrusted, semi-mechanical, in-organic or not a traditional "lifeform".

The transition to the next phase I can't recall; don't know if I went "up" or "down" ... Typically this has been a space that's 'up' again, that is incomprehensibly busy, and I have one guardian with me. This time it's not busy, but instead it was "crowded" ... I had different entities than the "kids", they flitted about like ghosts, or cloud-beings. They 'see' me and "want to play" with me. Whispering kind of greetings, pressing up against me as though I was in a bubble that separated me from them with an invisible membrane. They surrounded me, and laughed at my comments.

I wish I could recall what I said that got them all laughing. This was not the playpen any more, or that "set" had been removed. I mused that these were the beings that used to be busy at having to "run the universe" on a lunch break or something, they had time to tease me! At one point I even clapped my hands to see if I could "shoo" them away, all pressed around me, doing that face to face, sucking thing. ... I recalled the story McKenna related about certain entities becoming "pushy" and "wanting to make a deal". These were pick-pocket entities smothering me. That's why I clapped, and "shooed" them.

Then, once I had made a sound, clapping, I used my voice ... and holy moley did things 'respond' to my humming and clicking! These smothering entities hung around for a while, danced or somehow responded to my imagination. Synesthesia like that is awesome! I forget so much, I know, ... I remember saying "This I'm going to remember" ...! ... but nope.

Then I tried to cleanup the leftovers in the bowl; two more harsher tokes ... in just 20 minutes since the first launch. This was a lower level launch... I saw the 'door to the playpen' open slightly, with golden light pouring out, but I didn't make it. I felt I could crawl towards it. Instead I rolled around in the warm, luscious "surf" of my synesthetic mind. Visual orgy, unrolling all over me, with no sense of 'entities'. Very luscious "lights of the lower Bardo", surfing on my imagination. I was 'underwater' and any entities were outside of this layer...

So the two trips were overlapping; this second attempt with my magic pipe just had me peeking through the door of the playpen. The first launch was "zoom to the playpen"; and then somewhere else... then synesthetic surfing, then utter gratitude, laughing to myself... marvelling at what expanses sit just inside our heads.

The non-breakthrough kind of trips could be perceived as "just your mind on drugs" ... clearly a nice show (awesome show!). But they don't leave you as shaken by the awe and joy that you get when seeing the implications of us just "being of this universe". The breakthrough could still be "your mind on drugs" ... but it doesn't matter. Breakthroughs are essential! ... It is our evolutionary duty to do these things! At least once a month for me!

Now I'm boasting! ... No, instead I should be humble and clear in my 'reportage' ... this "telling all" here is a little catharsis for my reshaped ego... ... soon It'll be less exciting to tell, I'm sure. ... you know, like when someone wants to tell you about a dream they had; yeah interesting but, ... yawn, ... yadah yaddah yaddah, not my dream, what can I know about that...... how could I know your dream...? ..... Heh ... Then just try smoking my Aladdin's Lamp!