Gods and Mythic

In my main field of view and focus I saw an entity begin to take shape and materialize out of thousands of interchanging objects/shapes/colors. It was a male entity that resembled some sort of Native American spirit, with some kind of crazy arrangement of colorful feathers? hard to explain this part not necessarily feathers, but there was a kind of rainbow of stringy colors that drifted upward, coming off the top of his head. As I watched him, this entity, I saw him sitting there, cross-legged in the same position I had sat while hitting the pipe previously. He was sitting there in this space FILLED with thousands of other unexplainable self-changing entities/beings, big and small, but he himself remained unchanged, although his face and skin and everything were made out of all sorts of colors shapes and designs that were flowing and continuously changing.

My first tryp to the "machine"...


 After a few seconds of being in this tunnel two winged female angels with alien grey faces (also made of light but separate from the tunnel) swooped down through the tunnel and picked me up by my arms to take me to the end of the tunnel. 

Greece Planet? What am I Kid Icarus?


 I was then in front of a being I had never seen before who was all blue, multiple arms and it was dancing back and forth. And then this being shot 3 laser beams at me. 

My DMT Report


The vision was fleeting and dissolved into a vision of much greater clarity. A gaggle of elf-like creatures in standard issue Irish elf costumes, complete with hats, looking like they had stepped out of a hallmark cards "Happy Saint Patrick's Day" display, were doing strange things with strange objects that seemed to be a weird hybrid between crystals and machines.

Report #19 — entities

340 DMT Trip Reports

this spinning red ball manifested and came towards me.... Inside was a sitting ‘buddha’

Report #293 — entities


Inside this halo, as if on different screens, floated archetypal "judges" that seemed to be watching me. The only one I could readily identify was a many-armed, profoundly Hindu, avatar which I later identified as the Destroyer's wife, Kali

Report #216 — entities


And that’s when from the back of whatever I was at the time I could see almost a sunset rising, so I turn around and that’s when the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, this shining glowing vibrantly glowing, so bright the most complex entity I’ve ever seen in my life. And he was like this lizard god, made out of a lizard and a snake and a bird.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough


After a short time, impossible to say how long, 5 seconds perhaps, or a minute, I noticed the cloud had formed into the head of Buddha, or possibly Vishnu, and it seemed to be smiling and at peace and was beautiful

DMT - Multidimensional Experience Feat Buddha


And then yin and yang turned into different colored frequencies that I’d never seen before. And then I turned into a snake and I saw Ganesha and these other gods and they were like guiding me but they were like pitch black with stars all through their body. 

My first DMT trip


and I get flown past like Earth, past space. I’m going math far deep until I reach this spot where I see this Sumarian god, Enki but this nigga was blue. If he’s like super tall, I reached his foot. I reached his foot and I looked at him and all I saw was this side glance.

My first DMT Experience! BREAKTHROUGH to the Realm of the Immortals and Enki the Sumerian God!


And these entities, it's really hard to describe what they look like. I've used angelic elves, like little elves with wings or tall elves. 

My First DMT Breakthrough Experience "The Spirit Molecule" (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)


And all of a sudden it puts me in this place where it's like I feel like this dimension or the beings or somebody, something in that dimension was the creator, mother ayahuasca, whoever, was testing me in some way.

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report


Suddenly, I lifted up above the fractal flow and the landscape unfolded before me. I was above a huge alien landscape, a landscape made entirely of energy, and I saw for the first time where all this energy comes from. I could see beings who I can only describe as gods. These beings seemed to be connected to nothingness, their arms and legs didn’t seem to end; they seemed to fade into the nothingness. There was a stormy feel to the place, an electrical intensity filled the air, and as I watched from my new vantage point I could see what these gods were doing. They were creating existence.

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better


and then I'm in that familiar place; kids, in the play pen. They all knew me this time, absolutely saying "Hi!" and "look" at us. It was 'calmer' than last time I was there; the previous time I ended 'running around' like a brat, getting somehow led out of the 'playpen' by that behaviour. This time I stayed longer. I watched the 'toys” that were being shown to me. And they were some toys! "Toys" were those "Logos"-covered creations, being held on outstretched hands or even worn as "hats" . The children that were showing these amazing "blocks" seemed older than the rest; 8- or 10-year-olds, not toddlers and 5-year-olds. The older kids didn't run around and hide, they stood and showed me their "hats" and toys... I knew enough to think they're 'the toys' ...

Report #269 — entities
