54. Doo Dee Doo DMT

Doo Dee Doo DMT. a history of D-reports.


Report #275 — entities

Two hits from a waterpipe. Unknown amount, it may be described as "a lot". The Breakthrough was instant, I looked around and I was in the middle of the biggest rave/party/festival I have ever seen. The "crowd" went for miles in all directions it seemed. When I decided to pay attention to anyone in particular in the crowd I noticed they all wore the most ornate clothing made of shifting geometrics, and they had pointy ears! They all danced with rave toys of the future: I can describe one mechanism perfectly. This elf holds two wands one in each hand, on the end of the wand glistened a gem of spasming colors. With these wands an elf was controlling a shifting geometrical shape around, the wands are like devil sticks if anyone knows what that is... throwing instead of another stick around effortless in the air, would be a circle, that turned into a square, that turned into a hexagon, a pentagon, etc, etc, etc, etc. This toy was completely captivating...

I was tranced up until I noticed the music of this party was INCREDIBLE!!! the bass was poooounding and the grooves where out of this dimension for sure. I took quick notice that I thought some elves wore skirts. I thought, "Does that one have a skirt? Is it a female?" ...I suddenly noticed myself flying towards a huge temple in the distance. This next part is hard to describe but I'll do my best.

I was initiated through a ceremonial "rite of passage". They had the same ornate clothing as the elves from the festival but this time they had very tall Egyptian-pharaoh-looking hats with a Golden Serpent coming from the forehead of the headdress. I can describe the initiation like this, you know the child's game London Bridge where you send a person through an arch made by two people holding hands? This is exactly what I went through, elves on either side of me were forming an arch by holding the hands of the elves across from each other. I flew under maybe a couple hundred thousand sets of elf-made archways before I hit the temple gate... The second I hit the gate there was the white light; at this point I opened my eyes and gasped for air... I was looking at the grass and the sun had just set.


#2. Unknown Amount, another large pile in water-pipe. I was severely intimidated by the intensity of the last experience that I chickened out at the last second, a friend who was watching reassured me all would be fine....This time it was taken in 1 hit. The first thing I noticed was a quick flash of patterns, then I noticed there were hands holding a tool, twisting a pixel as if it was a screw and ratchet. It occurred to me during the experience the tool being held was the same "tool" they used for the rave toy from the previous trip. Now that I had noticed the tool I noticed the tools owner, an elf (garbed in clothing that was very much a part of the patterns going on around it) with pointy ears was weaving the fabric of reality together. Once I noticed him weaving the fabric of existence, I saw them all, creating. This was when the mother of all things presented herself, she was gorgeous, her skin sheening gold and hair vibrant shades of blue and green. She floated/hovered (all I could see of her was from her upper chest and above, just like a puppet master working above the scenes) above all the elfs that were busy weaving and creating micro-universes.

After she flew in and told me to not be afraid, that she loved me very much and she said "this is all going to happen very fast, you don't have much time here and we have so much to show you: pay attention"...with this I noticed the long cords that ran from the elves to the mothers fingertips, she was bending and manipulating her fingers which caused the elfs to move and function. I followed a cord from her fingers to an elf, where my vision zoomed in and I saw this elf creating a perfect sphere out of cogs. It was amazingly complex with many layers of cogs that had their own shifting geometrical patterns. Past this part of my experience is a complete blur, I was shown many many things at the speed of light. The next thing I remember her saying is "we've shown you all we can" and I was floating away from her, she was growing smaller, fainter and soon she faded into the already fading geometrics.