DMT Experience Catalogue

This site is a visual catalogue based on a research study awaiting publication that examines the complex content of the psychedelic experiences resulting from smoking DMT.

The Content of Complex Psychedelic Experiences Resulting from Inhalation of N,N-dimethyltryptamine

Stephen Kagan


Aim: This study examines narratives describing complex psychedelic experiences after smoking N,N-dimethyltryptamine.

Methods: The narrative accounts examined here were gathered from a variety of online sites and analyzed in order to discover themes, categories and patterns in the phenomenon of the resulting psychedelic experiences.

Results: Subjects reported seeing complex and unusual visual and synesthetic phenomena, leaving this world and entering into extraordinary places, encounters with a variety of strange entities, interactions with unusual objects and a wide variety of powerful feelings. The general categories of Places, Objects, Entities and Feelings were found in the phenomena experienced by people who smoked N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. These provided a framework within which more detailed subcategories were found and the range of most frequent to least frequent experiences were examined.

Conclusions: While DMT experiences are commonly described by people smoking N,N-dimethyltryptamine as indescribable, unique to everyone and taking place in a single domain called Hyperspace or the Hyperdimension, this research found distinct subcategories of frequently visited Places as well as frequently encountered Entities, Objects and Feelings. From these a more comprehensive understanding can be developed of the unusual and profound experiences resulting from inhalation of N,N,-Dimethyltryptamine.