26. Incredible Amazing

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report

11 Aug 2019

Dreaming Jaguars


So my turn came and instantly because we had been regularly moving into hyperspace at this time, the geometry was very quick to come and go, almost as though you slip right into that space. So, instantly I’m on some sort of crossroads and there was a house in a super sort of technological, geometrical space. And there was a woman, I perceived as a woman, who was very chaotic in the way she was conducting herself. She was moving around very quickly. She had crazy hair, she had wild eyes and wanted everyone to be quiet.

And then next to the woman was a small child on what I perceived to be on at the time was a little tricycle, with a red coat. The crazy lady was quite frightening to be around. She was quite intimidating. The energy she was giving off was quite scary.

And then the roles switched. So it was like they were ghosts, like a mother and daughter that had been killed in a car accident on this crossroads. And she was being hectic and crazy because the little kid had been killed. I realize the little kid got blue skin. Red coat, hood up, blue skin. And instantly I realized that the entity that I regularly come in contact with was this little kid. The little kid was the blue skin lady in a different form and realized I was scared and revealed herself to me.

The child was trying to tell me to stop being scared. Until it gets to the point when she almost puts her arm around my head and shoulder to give me a yank to stop and get my attention. Which she did and said: Shhh. Come to the box. So then the scene changed and the crazy lady was gone. And what was in front of me is a box, not a normal box. This was like the Ark of the Covenant, a box with an impossible array of geometric constructions. It was moving and changing and interlocking. And as I looked inside was a swirling mass of impossible geometry, as Mckenna would say, the Faberge Egg. And inside the egg was a swirling universes and serpents. And as I looked inside the box I went in through that portal with the child and it opened up and it was more impossible and it became this Egyptian pyramidic galactic… that’s where the mind just shuts down and you become part of whatever it is.

There was also an internal vision of me sacked with the child, blue skinned lady in a sort of meditative position. She asked me to sit down and she asked me to look in the box and as we moved toward what was inside the box, I sat down with her in a meditative state, floating. We went into the box which was an interdimensional, into whatever was there, opened up, into whatever was there, opened up, we went in again, opened up. That’s obviously the peak of the experience but you can’t explain what is. Completely out of body, completely interdimensional travel.

And then I had the sort of realization that I was sapped. The experience dampened down and I realized my body was coming back and I was sat in the office chair.