4. Breakthrough Report

Breakthrough DMT Trip Report

CG Kid


Everything started shapeshifting, moving, morphing, tracing. There was no time frame and visual acuity or air being sucked out of the room. It was way more profound than that. I remember putting down the pipe and seeing everything covered in this translucent energy that was indescribable. It was basically like being underwater, looking up at the sun. You see those waves and how it shapeshifts the sun. It was like that times a hundred. I covered my room and was doing it in weird ways that made sense and almost seemed real.

So I closed my eyes and put down the pipe. The first thing I remember was that I was laying on the side of a street, half on half off. I didn’t remember that I had done a drug. All these blocks began to form and stack and rotate. I was in them and everywhere and they were like very dark purple blocks. They kept forming all around me and I was wrapped up in them.

I remember being in an alien manufacturing plant. There was alien machinery and aliens operating them and they knew I was there and they were very excited. These alien beings that were made of energy were watching me for my whole life and they were super excited to see me like I was a celebrity. They decided to use alien gear to manufacture promotional celestial gear to make me famous across the universe.

These aliens didn’t have much of a form to them. And they were making these translucent posters with my name on them or these would build all these things that would flip out and say my name on them. I felt confused and didn’t know what was going on, what caused it. I thought everything I was seeing was real. I was worried that I had done something wrong or something for people to know about.

It was so intense, them wanting to show me all this stuff but it was too intense. It was miles and miles and miles but it was condensed but everywhere. I remember these entities speaking to me telepathically and showing me all these things I wasn’t capable of fathoming. They realized they were way too excited to see me so what they did was send me to another place. And I ended up in this Amazon like jungle. And there were a bunch of the teepees but they were rectangular and they went in a square or a circle. I was flying in and out of them and through them.

They sat me down in a vortex that was a bunch of chaotic patterns and I was seeing everything from all angles. I perceived the back of me, the front of me, the side of me as I was falling down this machinery wormhole of all this fractals and patterns and I landed in a cave. And it was really dark with this luminous gem light that was like 2 hands that were really long and pointy. And the hands stacked up 2 Crown Royal bottles and created this river of light that was a really nice fluorescent orange and then they changed it to a fluorescent blue. So I stared at that water as they moved their hands and I started to calm down. And I could tell that’s what their intention was. They realized they came too abruptly, too fast and too in my face for me to handle. I realized my eyes were closed so I opened my eyes. I realized that I had taken a drug and then I realized I had smoked DMT and knew that I was going to come down. I felt this sense of astonishment that left me in tears.