43. Report #125

Report #125 — entities

Liftoff into the tryptamine hyperdimension. The room I was in was shimmering even more brightly. The brightness was growing. At this point I can only recall small details. Those of you who have experienced this trip know what I mean... For I entered a dimension that words have not yet been invented to describe. The brightness and the raging rocket sound grew so intense that I feared that spontaneous combustion was very possible... I have no recollection of exhaling this last toke. I remember holding in the smoke, then this: Something that I can only figure was good ole Terence's Chrysanthemum pattern materialized.

It was all I could see, as far as my visual plane would stretch. It was beautiful. All kinds of indescribable movements and interlocking patterns were appearing in front of me, and the patterns seemed to stretch out toward me. It seemed to turn into a tunnel formation, and the tunnel not only appeared in front of me, it WAS me. I was this tunnel, my mind and body existed no longer. The tunnel stretched and stretched, with remarkable blues and greens appearing very grainy, yet very solid at the same time. Then suddenly, I experienced a "sucking" feeling, that I can only describe as my soul being completely pulled from my body and placed somewhere totally new. The roaring sound disappeared completely. All was white (if that's what you call it) :). All was calm. It was like I had just experienced the Big Bang from a first 'person' point of view. Things started to materialize in front of me, like gigantic multicolored blankets of smoke (kinda like smoke bombs) were unfurled in front of me.

Every time another blanked unrolled, I heard what I can only describe as the sound of a mighty trumpet being blown. These blankets of smoke were creating a totally new universe in front of me. It was truly amazing. This world was being created so fast that I could no longer separate one blanket/trumpet sound from another. Eventually the whole world was formed in front of me. It was full of the brightest, most intense pastel colors I had ever experienced. Everything was dripping, swirling, meshing into everything else.

Then came the "elves." They didn't look like elves at all ... But they could communicate and turn themselves into anything they wanted. In their true state, they looked kinda like the effect you get when you take several colors of playdough and mix them all together into a single blob. These blobs would bounce around and create new blobs from themselves. They could turn into anything (and of course the things they turned themselves into were like nothing of this world). I saw the most indescribably beautiful "objects" here. I was fascinated. The 'elves' seemed to want me to do the same thing that they were doing. It was frustrating. I couldn't do what they were doing no matter how hard I "tried". They seemed greatly disappointed by this, and they hopped on away from my ignorant ass and went on partying and turning into things without me.