27. Dmt experience. God

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?

Sky Sharp


26 Oct 2019

As I withdrew from the oil burner and blew out, I remember everything in my peripheral vision turning into laser geometric shapes and then it crumbled like building blocks and fell. And then I stood up and said: “Power of God!” And I popped into a room and thought I was in the presence of God or a higher being. And I just kept saying: “I’m sorry, I love you.”

This room popped into, felt like an observation room, like if you went to a doctor’s office and they were going to do an analyzation of you. The being was somewhere here observating, looking at me. And I kept saying: “I’m sorry, I love you. I’m sorry, I love you.” I thought I had popped into the waiting room of God Almighty. And it was telling me: “Calm down, everything is going to be okay.” I realize the being was pulsating and all I could see was the eyes and I knew it was something greater than I. Telepathically it told me: “We are here with you. We are a superior race” or a more complex being, that’s more advanced than we are. Then it told me I would not understand it’s way of thinking or what it knows.

I remember yelling at the being: “No, please, please give me your knowledge.” The next thing I know is, I take off and I’m going down one hallway. The hallway splits to two, two splits to four, four splits to eight, eight to sixteen and so on and on until it massively gets to the point when I can’t comprehend the number of multiplications of hallways as it spreads out. And the next thing I know is that it’s too much, I can’t follow them. And boom, I’m on an astrodeck, it’s a deck in the middle of space. It’s a massive observation deck, glass looking out in the middle of space.

I turned around and there were these iridescent white walls that were glowing like white energy walls. And as I look at the walls I see hieroglyphic writing on them but the writing was moving in patterns. It was continuously moving. Then the being was there with me. And the being says: “Look what I’ve made for you. It’s perfect, it’s eternal” And when the being did that, it put out it’s hand like this and the next thing I saw was the entire universe and it was spinned and rotating. And I was like: “Oh my god!” And when he said it was perfect and eternal, it hit home with me, he made this. And as the universe was spinning I could see souls being reincarnated at a certain point in the spin.

And that’s when I was finally: “This is too much for me.” I started yelling. “This is too much knowledge!” And as I said that, I am six red dots on a wall that was continuous with these red dots, I was six of them. My soul or my worth in the universe was six of these dots on a wall that was continuously high of red dots and continuously long of red dots for as long as you could see. And as a wave would come by I would make a sound because I was connected to the wave and the wall would be moving in a wave. At this point I could see my name and it was connected with these red dots and it was slowly fading away. You know, I was losing my identity, losing my individuality, fading back into the everything of the universe. I remember thinking that I’ve killed myself, that I’m dead and my mom’s going to be so upset. The next thing I know I wake up. I’m in the recliner.