86. My First Dmt Trip

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience | New (2020) Life Changing/crazy


19 Nov 2019

Antonio Rashawn

I close my eyes and it's like all the sacred geometry shit, like all the patterns and shit like that, you see that people be calling all that that shit just start popping up, was black at first when I close my eyes, or just black. So I just start seeing the sacred geometry shit like, come out of nowhere so research on this so at that point, okay I know what to expect kinda. I'm seeing the patterns and shit you feel me? And then after I see the patterns, like the patterns disappeared then I feel like I was like, going through a fucking tunnel, like falling through a tunnel. To me, when I noticed the tunnel, to me it was like being born again or something. I felt like I was coming out of a coochie. But I'm going through the muthafuckin tunnel, you feel me? And it was hard for me to like focus on shit, cuz you feel me like, I'm thinking of myself like once I got to a certain point later, did I killed myself or something cuz like I'm, I can physically feel myself still on my bed and physically have my hands on my body but I'm in a whole other space. So I was kind of freaked out like oh what the fuck, how am I on my bed and I'm still aware of me on my bed but I'm somewhere else, like?

At this point where I was at again this time, it was just like black and then all these fucking light patterns and shit just comes out of nowhere. You know, just moving around and I'm just looking at them and they’re just looking beautiful colors and shit that I've never seen. But it felt so loving and peaceful, you feel me? Like, I've been there before. So there it felt like female presences around me. Like, I couldn't really make nobody out and I couldn't really see no faces, man. Like I said, it was just like colorful shit. I don't know, I don't know this shit's hard to explain. But like I said, it felt like my focus is on me. So after that like, I went to uh, it felt like I went to a place, like I went to a operating room. Everybody else was talking about that too and it kind of freaked me out, you feel me? At this time it was like a checkerboard room you know, and it felt like I was laying on the table, you feel me? And it felt like there was some motherfuckers above me. I couldn't make him out, you feel me. And I got kind of scared but then they’re like, calm down. Everything was telepathic, I’m you. And they was saying they was me, basically. I’m you, you know, just relax. So I'm relaxing and shit, found a focus and shit. Focus on my breathing.

So then it's like I'm on the table and it's like they started taking shit out of me. And I took, you know, as they was taking all the bad energy and vibes out of me that I had, cuz going into it like, I wasn't in the greatest state of mind, but I was trying to get there. I was taking that as, you know, they was taking all the bad vibes out of me. And it was colors, you feel me? And I took that as that was some of the chakra energy. I took it as some of my chakra energy that got blocked. You feel me? That’s getting blocked by certain things in my life. Felt like that's what they was taking out of me. So they start taking that shit out of me and then after that, it's like I'm trying to remember exactly what happened. I can't remember, but I felt I got a little too scared again and they probably kind of felt it. So they like: “You're not ready to move on to, you know what we want to show you next type shit.

So it's like after that I came back, I came back but like I said, I felt like I was on an operating table. And it's like, the people that said they was me, when I was coming back it's like they went into my fucking body. And they went into my nose, like you feel me, like I got really seen them coming into my nose and shit. It freaked me the fuck out. So then, you know, I come back and I open my eyes. I'm like yo, I was happy to be back, like you for me it was a great feeling to be back.