
A father, a mother, a daughter, a son and another child, a small baby. And I’m sitting there and my stomach is churning with anxiety. This vast green landscape is all around me. I can’t move my body and they’re just moving like on a conveyor belt in front of me. They’re laughing at me, they’re all playful and I thought this was the craziest thing I saw in my life. 

Experiences With Dimethyltryptamine DMT

In front of me was a geometric being, balancing itself on a log. To better describe this entity, it was all black (but not dark at all) and seemed to be made of elementary geometric shapes. It's face was a perfect circle. It's eyes were half circles facing downwards. It's body, a rectangle. Even though it appeared to be made of such simple shapes, there was so much detail to it, or possibly rather, personality.

It did incredible gymnastic feats for me and would sometimes split itself in half and another, smaller version of itself would pop out.. This would sometimes happen several times, exposing many versions of itself, each with a happy look or vibe. It made me laugh in my head and also physically giggle. 

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

angular geometrics of brilliant hues formed sharply distinct cartoon (yes!) elf-like creatures. I was entranced and greatly amused by their playful seductiveness and batting eyes, "Yes, yes, you are all so beautiful but I must go on." 

Report #123 — entities

I am now feeling very 'recognized' — there are young child-like beings expecting me. They show themselves as children, but this could be a disguise to 'buffer' the real form they have. They are totally non-threatening that way; cute, shy, but very explicitly 'there' and showing themselves. Still, some hide away in the background, but many sort of 'bask' in my gaze, letting me see.

Report #268 — entities

Then came the "elves." They didn't look like elves at all ... But they could communicate and turn themselves into anything they wanted. In their true state, they looked kinda like the effect you get when you take several colors of playdough and mix them all together into a single blob. These blobs would bounce around and create new blobs from themselves. They could turn into anything (and of course the things they turned themselves into were like nothing of this world). I saw the most indescribably beautiful "objects" here. I was fascinated. The 'elves' seemed to want me to do the same thing that they were doing.

Report #125 — entities

and then I'm in that familiar place; kids, in the play pen. They all knew me this time, absolutely saying "Hi!" and "look" at us. It was 'calmer' than last time I was there; the previous time I ended 'running around' like a brat, getting somehow led out of the 'playpen' by that behaviour. This time I stayed longer. I watched the 'toys” that were being shown to me. 

Report #269 — entities

It was at this moment that I became suddenly aware we were not alone. The vaults seemed to zoom explosively outward then and the gallery expanded ad infinitum into a gargantuan, labyrinthine, almost interstellar space, and through every vault poured the miraculous and zany imps who make the tryptamine hyperdimension their home. 

They were everywhere jabbering in indecipherable tongues, juggling incandescent neon microworlds of dancing beings, and morphing with a zen-like, diaphanous fluidity

Wishful psychonaut

The Breakthrough was instant, I looked around and I was in the middle of the biggest rave/party/festival I have ever seen. The "crowd" went for miles in all directions it seemed. When I decided to pay attention to anyone in particular in the crowd I noticed they all wore the most ornate clothing made of shifting geometrics, and they had pointy ears! They all danced with rave toys of the future: I can describe one mechanism perfectly. This elf holds two wands one in each hand, on the end of the wand glistened a gem of spasming colors. With these wands an elf was controlling a shifting geometrical shape around, the wands are like devil sticks if anyone knows what that is... throwing instead of another stick around effortless in the air, would be a circle, that turned into a square, that turned into a hexagon, a pentagon, etc, etc, etc, etc. This toy was completely captivating...

Doo Dee Doo DMT. a history of D-reports.

The Beings were ecstatic that I could join them. It was a celebration. They were wearing childish masks and laughing and making silly, contorted, dumb faces. The Being that stood out to me the most was wearing a cat-like mask. It would lean in extremely close to my line of sight and pucker its lips revealing buck teeth and shaking its head.

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite

There was a thought that I was in a room full of aliens and they were playing with me, but that somehow they had conspired to make me this way - the alien carney music bar on the planet Tatooine in the Star Wars trilogy seems relevant.

The Elven Antics Annex

And then all of a sudden out of the Lego ground burst up and this gremlin character came up out of the ground, kind of exciting looking. He kind of pointed at me and kinda making this weird noise, laughing at me.

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough

They were made of pure energy. The colors at first were like a black with blue neon but the creatures were pure energy, whiter than my t-shirt. It kinda hurt your eyes to look at them almost. It was bright energy light. 

And what they were doing, they were firing beams of light into my eyes and into my heart and parts of my body. It felt really weird but it didn’t hurt or anything but it definitely felt as though there was something like a ghost and it could put its hand inside you and you could feel its hand but it’s not physical. It’s like I could feel something going in, the energy going in and coming out, going down my throat and all that. And they’re jumping around and it’s almost as if they’re laughing. They continuously morph and change, these weird things. They were blasting me with energy and going up really close to my eyes and like kind of dashing around. And then they took me on a little adventure. 

My DMT experiences