9. Entities, Inner Worlds

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations

Bryan Divisions

Published on 23 Jun 2018


Two hits in and that’s when I start to feel completely different. I felt like every cell in my body is activated and alive. That’s when I noticed these triangle fractals just spiralling out from my chest and my body in all these directions. And the feeling in my body was complete connection, complete power.

My eyes start getting super heavy and I start seeing out of my 3rd eye. I was having these visions of me being in this room with a bookshelf. It appears to be a library. I’m sitting in one corner and in the back, most of that is a bookshelf blocking that other side of the room. But I can see on top there are two entities and they look like cartoons and the proportions were just crazy. And as they would reach out to me their arms would get super long and weird.

I wanted to go on the other side of the bookshelf. And I had a thought that was implanted in me that I had to smoke more to get on that other side. So I opened my eyes up and took that 3rd hit. Next thing I know I was in these series of tunnels. And the first one is beautiful fractals, all this energy and light moving and twisting around me. And I no longer have identity, just awareness. It really felt like I was being moved through these tunnels, through these worlds through these structures. I was almost like I was on a track.

In the next part I see myself in this tunnel. Everything looked like a biological machine, the inside of a body almost, but there were these tissues and gears and these things pumping. Gears made of blood and tissues, organs, very biological. And as I see this sprocket, in one of the little teeth of this gear, my awareness zooms into it and I see it’s an actual being. It looked almost like a head, really long with antennae on top. So I realize everything around me is alive! And there were all these separate perspectives.

Next thing I know I’m in this next tunnel, this next room. I felt like I was in a constructed building with super high ceilings. And there were these pillars with the art pieces and vases on them. And this place is just blue and mosaic. It was just so much information to comprehend. I’m just being pulled through this and by the time I get to the end of this room, this giant head of this being comes out. It felt like it was feminine but but it was like half person half snake being. Blue. And if you think of every single, if you look at my face and all the pores and all the hairs. Imagine if each one of those is like a mosaic piece that puts together this one image. But all these separate pieces are like photos or videos or realities.

The overall feeling was that I was completely seduced, entranced by this energy, just drawn into its pure beauty and power. So it opens it’s mouth and its tongue slithers out and I go into its mouth and I find myself in this complete void. There were other beings there and I couldn’t see them. I was like stuck. I felt like I was a stone now. I felt like the other entities saw me, felt me but I couldn’t see them. I had this sense that I was in their world, in their territory, I’m not supposed to be here. So the sheer terror of this.

Who knows how long it felt like in that moment. It could have been days, weeks, months, I don’t even know. Before I know it I’m getting pulled up into a sky. So I’m being shot up like 300, 400, 500 miles an hour like a rocket. And I look down and I can see where I’m from. And I see these huge pyramids. They super deep dark metallic blue radiating and pulsing with this blue energy. Now only maybe the tops of the pyramids was not covered by this dark black fog. And then I look up and these two entities that were in that first room don’t look like cartoon characters anymore. They were my guides and I could feel I was safe. And they were angels and they are flying me up, pulling me and I’m just being rocketed to the sky. Toward this beautiful and it’s white. And there was this white light all around me. And I’m just like, holding on and between that and looking down at where I was and what I would say was like “hell” I was like: “Please don’t let me go. Please don’t let me go.” And they said: “You’re not ready yet.”

And I was dropped. And I come back into my body on Earth. And I am now in my parents' backyard and all this happened so quick that I’m out of breath. So I lay down on the ground and started taking nice deep breaths. Feeling a lot better. I look up in the canopy of the trees, the branches that are above me and I see the perfect silhouette of this new born baby in the foetus position. I was just in awe. I felt like it was a beautiful sign of rebirth.