69. My First DMT Experience

My First DMT Experience (a trip report)


21 Jul 2015

Misha Lee

And at that point the auditory aspect was already coming in. It was like an electric humming sound, sort of like a pulsing. My friend who was holding the pipe for me, he was like, disappearing into space like he was becoming smaller but the outline of him was all neon. The outlines of everything were neon and blurring into each other like non-differentiating and I fell back and decided that was enough and it’s as though time disappeared. I don’t even know for how long, it felt like I was there forever in this space of the sound of Aum, the eternal Aum echoing in the background with this hum sort of going over it, this electric hum. And inside of this space, my eyes are closed and I’m seeing a wall of picture frames. And the picture frames are all moving like images, like little stories being told inside each one and it’s kind of shifting. (Mosaic) If you imagine a deck of cards, the wall is one card and on the card are little picture frames with little moving stories inside each one of them. But so, the deck of cards is also spreading out so I’m being made aware of the fact that there are countless other layers and they are shifting down.

So, I can attach myself to one of the picture frames by just looking at one and then I’ll zoom into that. And then I’m in this story of some people just walking by, kind of cartoon-like characters. Knobby joints and long lanky limbs, kind of hunched over and looking at me like just passively. And there were other characters there too and they were all aware of me but not really inviting me to a conversation or interact with them all. I entered their world and they were like: “Who is that?”

And then I pulled out of that and was back at the wall again. And then there’s another picture frame that I locked into and went into that. And that was another story and I realized it felt like another time. I don’t know if it was earlier or later but centuries apart. I saw more people there and the face of the first person I saw was that was hunched over and knobby; he was there. He had the same face but a different body. The body was long and slim, still lanky but he was like in a different persona. There were other people there who were also somebody else but might have been in the previous scene.

And so I continued to go in and out of these pictures and observing the passing characters. I just continued to see the same face over and over. And some part of me was trying to understand who that was or where I knew him from. But then there was also this lack of I that was happening there. There was this confusion. There was no I, I didn’t have that. I had no recollection of that, I was in a bodiless experience. It was pure visual atthis point. It was all being influenced by my emotions and I realized that I was in this intense space, it’s all colorful and beautiful and I’m in so much awe, observing this now as though it is art. So there’s paint trickling down the edges of the cards very slowly, there’s texture in the wall, so it’s bumpy and rigid and it's moving very slowly. I feel joy, I feel awe. So, I’m in the space of meness in this awe and that made me feel so heard and understood. I felt curiosity and I got to see what it looked like. And curiosity shifted to something else and some aspect of wonder and a flicker of fear. And fear came as quickly and just as quickly left as the other ones did. And gratitude.And I was filled with this tremendous sense of gratitude. So I opened my eyes and connected with the pictures on the wall.


Overview of worlds… transport hub