90. The Quantum Cube

The Quantum Cube of Thy Self Illustrated


I held the vapour inside me until I felt it had fully absorbed into my being. As I exhaled I opened my eyes and watched the grey smoke disperse into the candle lit room. As I glanced down at the pipe a cascading wisp of delicate, lacewing geometric shapes in deep purple and electric vermillion rose up from the bowl. In vision stuttering slow motion I placed the shape emitter down on the table, lifted my head back against the soft cushion and closed my eyes.


I was propelled upwards at such a force I could actually feel the air rushing past my face. I ripped through the 5th dimension membrane. It’s like the weightless feeling of paragliding and getting drawn upwards by a strong thermal lift. I felt no fear, just pure pleasure.

Out of the inky blackness a landscape started to unfold in time to the throbbing underground techno soundscape I’d launched to. Each beat stamped an eye wateringly beautiful slab of inter-dimensional architecture. I became aware of the sound shifting in direction. It was like the beam of a lighthouse rotating. Patches of sound became amplified and left lush walls of psychedelia inscribed with highly detailed, mystic motifs. I became aware of myself moving at warp speed through this alien landscape crafted by a sonic carrier wave that I was riding.

The landscape folded into a neon pink matrix. I looked in awe at the detail, the resolution, the color. The matrix split open from the centre into a square of white light. I was pushed forward and started to move again. I felt I hit a gravity well and had the physical feeling of g-force as I dipped down through the white square and into a tunnel. I could see the roof above me. The more I looked the more it opened up into geometric lattices oozing with writhing patterns. There is no pixel limit here, just pure high-resolution, high-tech alien graphic imagery. I was travelling fast and it was difficult to take it all in. The scenery in front of me was ever changing, coupling and merging, melding and evolving.

The color started to shift to an organic green and I felt myself slowing down. I was deeper into the mesh like structure now which was evolving and writhing all around me. In front of me I again became aware of a white square. I felt like I had paused. I was static. I observed, suspended in zero gravity.

I became aware of my surname being called. Over and over again it was said, softy in a female voice. Each time my name was called an object was constructed in front of me against the white square backdrop. I felt myself actually moaning in pleasure to see this object being crafted right before my eyes.

The object was a cube and embellished with glyphs across each side. The corner pieces were slightly rounded, each embossed with black skull and crossbones. I somehow zoomed into the edge of the cube and ‘felt’ the glyphs. They were slightly raised from the cubes smooth surface and were spliced with a red wafer which held them onto the cube. As I passed my attention over the glyphs I could hear my name being called. A thought came into my head that each time I scanned the glyphs I was reading them like Braille and they spelled out my name. The revelation felt beautiful and I zoomed back out to observe the cube in full detail. I was looking at a cubic quantum model of myself. A voice spoke my name. “We’ve been waiting for you” it continued in a friendly tone.

I opened my eyes. No fear, pure beauty, pure love.