
Fear by Alex Grey

The most frequently reported challenging emotion experienced was Fear. Sometimes it is because the person feels out of place, because they feel like they are dying, something is controlling them, that they were trapped and could not return, that their sense of self is dissolving, they are falling apart or they encounter strange Entities. In some cases Fear and Astonishment are sometimes experienced at the same time or together in the same trip. Frequently fear gives way to other feelings such as peace, spiritual unity, comfort, ecstasy, safety, awe.

In the distance I could see this grid-like structure, a three-dimensional grid, and it was really massive, like the size of a house or something. I was being pulled towards it. When I got so close to it, I became really scared, because there was nothing I could do — these things were holding me down.

Report #138 — entities


I had this sense that I was in their world, in their territory, I’m not supposed to be here. So the sheer terror of this.

My DMT Experience


There were 5 specific jewel elves. A father, a mother, a daughter, a son and another child, a small baby. And I’m sitting there and my stomach is churning with anxiety.

Experiences With Dimethyltryptamine DMT


All of a sudden I got so freaked out and fearful because of the colors and the shapes and I didn’t know what was going on.

Naked Lady of the Forest


And then next to the woman was a small child on what I perceived to be on at the time was a little tricycle, with a red coat. The crazy lady was quite frightening to be around.

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report


My sense of self rapidly dissolved and with it came a sudden sense of primal fear.

What DMT Feels Like


I seemed to play with strange apparitions like molecular building blocks before returning to the greys who seemed almost excited. At this point I was very frightened and was fighting to return to my body.

Report #108 — entities


I quit! I surrender! But still the agony doesn't relent, and deeper grow the roots of primal fear. It's not as if I'm physically dying. My body isn't being destroyed. No, it's far, far worse than that. The ghost of my being-- my everything-- is evaporating and I'm slipping to nothing at all. Black hole. I'm done.

Then again, one can never truly brace for ego death, at least at this speed. I'm thinking next time I'll buy my ticket for the ayahuascan cruiseline. I've had my fill of the mach-ten space shuttle in smokeable form. The fear is still pulsating, and I want them to know it, but when I tell them, words don't form in my mouth. Rather, the feeling transfers to them, raw and unabbreviated.

Tongues of Divinity


I suddenly got this kinda paranoid idea, that I'd been there for a month or so, and that somebody was trying to wake me up from that state of mind I was in.

Report #215 — entities

I remember meeting some entities that were not very friendly at all, and I could not communicate with them, they were very alien, and a little scary.

Report #235 — entities

This presence scared me a bit, but I just kept telling myself to stop worrying - at this point I could feel the "presence" searching through my mind

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.


Then, the most amazing thing that I can't even describe happened. I'll try anyway. A tunnel formed in the blackness, and I was pulled into it

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.


The sound rips and peels away at the functions of cognition until there was no more observation. There was only the fear of not dying anymore

My First DMT Experience: "Death by Astonishment"


These machines were making a lot of loud noise and they began producing these alien-like creatures of all shapes and sizes. They all approached me, I felt kinda scared but I could sense that they meant no harm.

DMT trip


I had no way of knowing how intense the experience could be and I wasn't ready. It terrified me because it was my first time and I thought I took a fatal dose.

Next I was taken through the most terrifying mindfuck I've ever been through. Though I couldn't see the source, something was informing me in a matter of fact style that I was dead but not to worry because I had never been alive in the first place.

Gone Forever, Then Back Again


I was travelling through a biomass wormhole, a galactic vagina (if you will) I was scared, just like every other time, that I had gone too far.

Form Over Physics


This is where this thing lived, this is where these guys reside, this was their planet, this is their backyard. And it was scary and overwhelming.

DMT trip report (bizarre alien mantis dmt entities)


And when I closed my eyes, here come the hieroglyphs, going all these types of ways, making like the little snakes and the different colors and designs and stuff. And I’m just looking at it and stuff and it’s getting scary.

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome and Simulation on DMT..


and when I met these aliens it was like I was meeting fans of the show and my life had really been a facade or a show. So this causes a deep state of worry and this is where I started getting terrified because it felt very out of my control.

My First DMT Breakthrough Experience


I could see tiny, endless arrangements of gears and pinions just beneath the gold wing, tiny points of alien light darted from what were molecular points of cognitive energy, impossible in color and detail, billions and billions of precision gears meshing quietly and generating consciousness, which was traversing a planned route, terrifying in its complexity, but beautiful in its exactitude.

Infinity of the Now


they were flying inside of my stomach and just like flying through my body to the point where like, I could feel it like I was like having to like grab ahold of something. It was super overwhelming and super scary in the moment



I think I asked or maybe thought “What the hell are you doing?” and the beast replied quite simply, “You have sold your soul, and I am putting your name in the book.” This is when I really panicked.

Disturbing Encounter with Demon-like Entity


I went to a operating room. Everybody else was talking about that too and it kind of freaked me out... it's like they went into my fucking body. And they went into my nose, like you feel me, like I got really seen them coming into my nose and shit. It freaked me the fuck out.

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience
