
While Jesters, clowns, tricksters were not the most common form of entity encountered they are certainly one of the most famous and provocative....

"I try to make sense of it, but the face means nothing to me, and I grow terrified because I understand now that I'm helplessly falling apart in every sense of the word. Still, I'm desperate to gain an understanding. The voice comes to me again, telling me to prepare myself because here comes the image, and there it is, the same jester-like smile that I realize now is simply toying with me, and then again it's gone."

Tongues of Divinity

"He came right up to me and pointed or something, and all of a sudden I was back in DMT land! So the Pyramid Eye Mantis thing stops and then in a hallway going backwards down it, and its filled with these crazy fucking clowns and freeks and fun mirrors and the patterns become more colorful with pinks and oranges and reds and they are sticking their heads out of the doors as i am dragged backwards, they are grinning and there are a thousand million laughs and shouts and words I dont understand..."

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

"There is a brief moment, a pause, where nothing moves, then suddenly i get the feeling of being smiled at by some unseen face, something mischievous and jester-like. It had me."

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea