
Orzo Festival Dome

Domes appear in a variety of settings and although similar in shape they can have very different functions. Some they are enclosures filled with gardens, strange entities or symbols and sometimes the sky also is described as a dome. the surfaces can be clear or covered in geometric structures.

As I came closer to the asteroids, I could see neighbourhoods built upon these asteroids. Each house had its own protective dome. I got caught in the gravity of the asteroid and had the full impression of being sucked in by it's heaviness. I circled around the giant rock fully before piercing one of the domes. It made a sound that was like a bubble popping in slow motion. As soon as I entered the force field type elastic energy barrier or whatever it was (haha)

I slowed right down. Still falling, but at a manageable speed. I also had the feeling like my skin was wet for a moment as I passed through. I looked down and saw a garden patch surrounded with grass and trees. Even a white fence, which I crashed into before rolling into the garden.

crash landing in deep space asteroid suburbs

Now before I go into what happened here I must first describe the Dome. Spatial dimensions don't exist there as they do here. The space in between the walls and my point of view wasn't full of air, but rather a Wave of ever shifting pixel window panes with were filled in with golden red numbers, mystic symbols, alphabets, geometries, and runes.

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

I was within a facility within a dome that was pristine and so clear that it looked like it wasn’t there. It was a perfect steel structure and massive glass dome that harbored plants. Beautiful plants, trees, bushes and grass and the whole. It looked like a preservation or an animal preservation and a bright blue sun in the middle of that dome.

Naked Lady of the Forest || Profound DMT Trip Experience Explained

I find myself under a vaulted dome of brilliant light. It is all around, under and above me, yet i can see it all at once. There is no direction here, yet before me, self illuminated with a perfect light, I see a textured wall of such exquisite pattern and shape, undulating and evolving, changing and forming. Sporadically points will flare up and bloom towards me. Each surface filled with an infinite level of detail, each geometric subsurface blooming further still. It was a gestalt of pure creation.

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea

It transported me to a location that was outdoors. I was outside (but not on earth) beside a gigantic dome. I feel like this dome was the same as a dome I've actually been in on a previous trip. In front of me was a geometric being, balancing itself on a log. To better describe this entity, it was all black (but not dark at all) and seemed to be made of elementary geometric shapes.

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

Two glowing moons hovered over the city like a pair of eyes, the light blocking the stars from being seen. That's when I saw a face, like the mask of an Egyptian pharaoh’s sarcophagus. The moons became the eyes and it encompassed the entire room. The top of the head formed the dome of the sky.

DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"

This is where I was when I felt a certain sort of shockwave across the dome of the sky which gave me memory of the real world.

The Elven Antics Annex

I could see clouds way off in the distance at the edge of the lake, which seemed to have a boundary about a mile away, semi-circular in front of me, like the edge of a snow dome if I’d been sat inside. And the clouds were almost 2d, gently wafting along serenely on the invisible glass of the snow dome, that felt about a mile away and outside of it, nothing.

DMT - Multidimensional Experience Feat Buddha

I’m in this room that I’ve heard referred to as the DMT dome. I mean I’m in a room and there’s archways and colors and geometric patterns and so I pass through there rather quickly and the next thing I’m kinda floating somewhere, in an unknown space

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience and the uniqueness of this magical psychedelic

It was like I was in the center of information. I was at the center of creation. From there I went toward the wall in my mind and turned right and I went into this room, this big domed room and I got this feeling that everything was going to be okay. That was the purpose of that room, to ground me in peace in a sense.

First DMT Experience - Trip Report

And as I dazed off I could see the silhouette like it was like a dome. You could see the metal part going down like that and then you could see another metal piece going across like that and it seemed like it was kinda netted, like it was a kinda net or something.

So, as I’m looking through this dome I could see that the patterns that it’s showing me, it’s like a fucking curved TV. And all the hieroglyphs that I’m seeing is like that curved TV

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome and Simulation on DMT..