
Entering into different kinds was the most commonly reported environment entered into. There were rooms with unknown purpose, examination and operating rooms, classrooms, kitchens. Some of them were geometric or hyperdimensional. The surfaces were covered often in jeweled, crystalline or checkerboard patterns. They sometimes led to other rooms, varied from being small enclosures to being vast or even infinite. They were frequently inhabited by various kinds of entities and were sometimes empty and sometimes crowded.

I was in a round room, the walls were a red and orange pattern that was constantly changing in some subtle hard to pinpoint way but it was not any form of characters or language so often spoken about. I was seated at a square table which was just slightly to my right. In front of me also seated at the table was a being who, as the scene opened, was proffering me the anemone/object.

At the Table of the Red Tribe

And then he leans back against the wall and it tips back. He looks back and that wall collapses reveals more space behind him and many more rooms behind him. And then he bumps into a side wall and that collapses and that opens into another room. And he’s sort of rolling around back there. And as he’s getting into the distance he’s getting smaller and smaller and telepathically says: “I want you to meet my friend.” and he points over to my left.

DMT Trip Report - The Cosmic Orgasm / Bliss Trip

The buzzing was gone, and I was in a room looking at a wall. The wall was like a complex scaffold of constantly morphing angular prisms shimmering with colours that are completely beyond the descriptions of any language, and totally awe-inspiring.

I noticed at first there was something in the wall, popping out occasionally to show me it was there, it wanted me to recognise it before it would fully come out though. It was something like watching the flat surface of a calm beach and seeing a dolphin periodically break the surface for air. When I recognised that there was definitely something living swimming through this scaffold of unbelievable shapes and colours, it came out. It was a non-human female...

Report #40 — entities

I was having these visions of me being in this room with a bookshelf. It appears to be a library. I’m sitting in one corner and in the back, most of that is a bookshelf blocking that other side of the room. But I can see on top there are two entities and they look like cartoons and the proportions were just crazy.

Next thing I know I’m in this next tunnel, this next room. I felt like I was in a constructed building with super high ceilings. And there were these pillars with the art pieces and vases on them. And this place is just blue and mosaic. It was just so much information to comprehend. I’m just being pulled through this and by the time I get to the end of this room, this giant head of this being comes out.

My DMT Experience - Entities, Inner Worlds, Awe, Fear, Ego Death, and Realizations

As I entered through this tunneling vortex of colors and shapes and flowing energy I came to a room, but as I came upon this room it was as if it was being thought into existence right then and there. I saw blue checkered grids that began to form into walls/floor and ceiling,

My first tryp to the "machine"...

I was lying down looking up at 4 tall beings in the room. They were Mantis with triangular heads. One was clearly in charge while the others were more of orderlies.

Please Share if you have ANYthing in common

I was greeted by a being in a room where everything was made of full-colored squares... ( They followed me all through the "trip" ) so full of incredible love

Report #215 — entities

I felt beautiful and ecstatic and went through that void and I can’t remember this reality at all. All memory fades away and there is only being and consciousness. Then I came into this infinitely open, massive dark black area. I start to see this wall, the width of a house, just a wall and a flat platform. It was an L shaped wall with the floor and the background. On the floor there was a cylinder, another rectangular wall sitting on top and a cheese slice of a walk around and all of these had one pattern on them. It was a square pattern like a block pattern repeating on them. Each square had the primary colors on them.

250mg DMT Heroic dose led to a Spiritual Download - extreme trip report Part 1

At this point Dinos' vision became flooded with hundreds of crisscrossing purple and green tubes or vines of some sort that were decorated with the most intricate geometric designs. These tubes?, wires?, vines?, snakes? whatever they were, were woven into some huge interconnected web that was kind of just floating there in this space. During this time huge waves of euphoria began rushing over him.

As the effects became stronger, he felt as if he were being pulled through hyperspace and into this machine-like web of pipes/tubes. After being pulled through into this space he was no longer looking at this "web" but he was inside it and it surround him flowing constantly with vibrant color and design. These vines or pipes or whatever, were now surrounding him like a sphere and enclosing him in this sort of "room" I guess you could call it.

Dinos Experience Report

There was like a plethora of these like weird statue things just unfurling and uncurling out of the darkness. And after they'd all fully extended, I suddenly see these three doctors or these white silhouetted entities kind of descending down on me. And once they fully like descend down on me, I'm in the operating room.

Dmt Trip Report | Meeting the DMT Doctors

I was jettisoned upward into a room. It was golden, beautifully but jeweled colored room that was changing and ever morphing.

Naked Lady of the Forest || Profound DMT Trip Experience Explained

And then I’m in this huge room, an infinite room. It was a room full of eyes. This room was greenish and every single inch of this room was an eyeball.

My DMT Report

This room I popped into, felt like an observation room, like if you went to a doctor’s office and they were going to do an analyzation of you. The being was somewhere here observating, looking at me. And I kept saying: “I’m sorry, I love you. I’m sorry, I love you.” I thought I had popped into the waiting room of God Almighty.

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?

But here I was again, it's golden and the walls are literally made of the entities, they crawl out and move along this room. I see this space but it's so difficult to comprehend, it's like the mind forgets the most deep part of the journey... I see this Golden room for a while, and then I fade out. My sense perception is distorted, I'm sitting outside this time so my body feels like it's inside a room.

My final journey (for a while)

Eventually I broke through the last membrane. I was met with a room full of people and objects. I could see the geometry behind everything as if it's the building blocks of everything, everything had different shapes and colours that represented it. There was one person in the center of the room that stood out. I knew he was looking straight at me even though I couldn't make out any facial features except his brown beard and hair. He motioned to me and took me to a drum kit with a person playing

DMT trip report: My first trip

There were some fractal designs for only a second, and then I was in a spectacular room with walls covered in rectangles and triangles of blue and yellow. The room was absolutely filled with entities. It seemed to be a hallway or conduit that led them to various places. I felt very strongly that these entities were going to places in hyperspace where other travellers were, in order to help or heal them in some way. All these beings were very positive and had wonderful intentions. I could sense them clearly as they passed by me. The most interesting thing about this room was the light. There were shadows coming off the various entities, but there was no particular point of origin for the light. It was everywhere, but had direction.

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

I then remember suddenly standing in a chrome room which was a state of more spinning chrome but then the room settled and in front of me was a large cube of light made of hundreds of smaller cubes floating above the centre of the room.

Report #52

I'm just there, in a room, the playpen. It wasn't frenetically busy this time, but there was something going on that my arrival 'interrupted' ... like a class and I just came up through the floor and spooked the class!

I'm in the room looking at the walls, mesmerized but watching intently, as the wall is covered in 'hyperspace decor' ... coloured dots and bumps facets all over.

Report #268 — entities

As I emerge my body dissipates into the room around me... My vision zooms in, like my eyes have become microscopes, and I see molecular structures piecing together to form matter on the most basic of levels. It looks almost like a computer program, pieces of information attached to one another in certain ways to collectively form an information database

Report #236 — entities

I seem to remember being in a room at this point, and the atmosphere was very.. ugh.. foreign. Everything was made of fractals, except this woman.

First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of.

The way I perceived the room the minute I closed my eyes was that the box of the room was like snakes. And my basic understanding of that is that the snakes were like energy and I just remember them doing like a box cause we’re in a room and the four pillars.

My first DMT Experience!

The stroboscopic lights morphed into Kaleidoscopic textures and planes forming a new reality. I was in the mirror room at the climax of Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon, except this time the room was multidimensional instead of just four walls and the walls didn't reflect each other as much as meld at various points in a fractal design

She wanted me to appreciate her design skills and told me the room was made out of alien material whose closest analogue in our world was plastic.

Form Over Physics

Boom, I closed my eyes and couldn't feel my body anymore. Interestingly enough, for a few seconds the room seemed to still be seen with my eyes shut as if my consciousness had expanded or something.

Gone Forever, Then Back Again

So the next thing you know I’m in this room that I’ve heard referred to as the DMT dome. I mean I’m in a room and there’s archways and colors and geometric patterns

Psychonaught talk on DMT experience and the uniqueness of this magical psychedelic

I was at the center of creation. From there I went toward the wall in my mind and turned right and I went into this room, this big domed room and I got this feeling that everything was going to be okay. That was the purpose of that room, to ground me in peace in a sense.

First DMT Experience - Trip Report

It was then revealed to me on a large screen, attached to a gleaming wall, that the brain was the brain of Bach, and the idea was one in a stream of many, and fell to his shaking hand in a dimly lit room, flickering with candlelight and heavy curtains

Infinity of the Now

And all of a sudden this giant wall of like, alien language began to manifest. The music then faded and all I could hear was like bleeps and bloops. And as I'm in this place of these weird, it was like, almost half Arabic half, alien language, flashing this red blue and green color. And they were all on these like, walls of dimensions that kept like moving and folding and pushing through.

DMT: The Alien Maxtrix (Trip Report)

Because as I was going through this, I get to a place in this dimension where it's like there's different rooms in front of me. Okay, so it was almost like I'm in space and there's all these different rooms. And there's around there's like, five rooms to left, five rooms a little more to left, but a little up more and then there's like five rooms up forward, five rooms this way, five rooms that way, and whatever, so forth or so on.

And then I was in and one thing I forgot to mention is that the room that we were in was rectangular. It was a rectangle room, so it was like a long narrow rectangle room. Then he would spin around me. You go around me and it was almost like he was on a tricycle or some type of car, some type of machine or something. And as he was spinning around, he was creating the fibonacci sequence like a vortex around us, around as he was spinning the whole thing. The middle of the room was becoming like a vortex

Welcome To The Circus Dmt Trip Report

I went to a operating room. Everybody else was talking about that too and it kind of freaked me out, you feel me? At this time it was like a checkerboard room

My First Dmt Trip Report Experience