
It is fairly common for people encountering unusual Entities, Objects and Places to feel overwhelmed or filled with Awe and Astonishment. Sometimes the feeling is transferred from within the trip back into the experience of the normal world. Sometimes the feeling of awe and astonishment was independent of any Objects, Places and Entities but more often were triggered by encountering highly complex and changing Objects, unusual colors and the experience of leaving the mundane world and entering into strange Environments.

“People say, 'is there risk, to DMT? It sounds so intense. Is it dangerous?' The answer is yes, it's tremendously dangerous. The danger is the possibility of death by astonishment.”

Terence McKenna, Descriptions of the DMT Experience

My awed examination of the object continued until I became aware that it was time to come down.

At the Table of the Red Tribe

I felt this sense of astonishment that left me in tears.

Breakthrough DMT Trip Report

The wall was like a complex scaffold of constantly morphing angular prisms shimmering with colours that are completely beyond the descriptions of any language, and totally awe-inspiring.

I looked up and saw a diamond shaped object that was made of similar stuff to the walls — but infinitely more brilliant, more dazzling, more unspeakably awesome. And as my smile grew and total awe and amazement filled me, this female being began flying around the object at great speed,

Report #40 — entities

I was just in awe. I felt like it was a beautiful sign of rebirth.

My DMT Experience

I accept its end and smile. "Oh my god," I say aloud in an awe-stricken finale.

Tongues of Divinity

I certainly remember feeling helpless and in awe that I, as this little speck of ego, could possibly let myself get so fucked up or die or whatever happened to get me here

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I stood there in absolute awe, I don’t know how long I sat there staring at this.

I notice the wall and the shapes and I’m in absolute awe for a very very long time.

250mg DMT Heroic dose

Then the ambassador one told me to make one myself but I was so astonished I couldn't even think of what to do so

Gifts from the Elves...Temporary or permanent?

I saw was the entire universe and it was spinning and rotating. And I was like: “Oh my god!”

And that’s when I was finally: “This is too much for me.” I started yelling. “This is too much knowledge!”

Dmt experience. God, Alien, Everything, and Me?

Intellectually I was in awe, but the experience felt very neutral emotionally. This 'entity' rose through the portal spiraling upward, I couldn't make out a distinct face or even a head, not that I was trying to focus on details so much as being overwhelmed with the profundity of everything.

Coming back to baseline with a big grin on my face, I opened my eyes and had the most immense feeling of wonder.

First Impressions

I could look around, as if turning my head in a new world of energetic plasma, smiling in amazement

DMT Trip Report by Ricky Tea

I was getting to think if I should be frightened but I lost that thought and a sheer feeling of amazement took over me.

Report #52

Tremendously awed and certain that this was an information portal of some sort,

Report #123 — entities

These blankets of smoke were creating a totally new universe in front of me. It was truly amazing.

Report #125 — entities

this gremlin character came up out of the ground, kind of exciting looking. He kind of pointed at me and kinda making this weird noise, laughing at me. I’m just looking at it in complete amazement

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough

it shook me to my core in a more-than-real gleeful profundity. All I could do was sit there in divine liquid awe, my soul gaping wide open, and stare at the incalculable proportions of bizarreness and the downright weird that lay before me.

Wishful psychonaut

But it's like he's in a sky box looking through a glass window. He sees floating in the void a giant cube like light structure.... He sits there awestruck with his mouth agape, he's just totally, to his core, blown away. He stumbles for words but none seem remotely adequate.

Alright people WTF was that all about?

It would lean in extremely close to my line of sight and pucker its lips revealing buck teeth and shaking its head. It was the opposite of profound. It was utterly stupid. But I was in awe of it.

Playing with Spiritual Dynamite

This was bliss and wonder after the chaotic entrance to this world, and I felt I had a moment to ‘breathe’ although even the idea of breath was alien to me and didn’t enter my mind.

DMT - Multidimensional Experience Feat Buddha

It was all being influenced by my emotions and I realized that I was in this intense space, it’s all colorful and beautiful and I’m in so much awe, observing this now as though it is art.

My First DMT Experience (a trip report)

We landed on this planet. I fell to my knees in amazement.

DMT trip

Quantum physics and mechanics appear to be playing out a wonderful dance right in front of my eyes, and while I can't grasp most of what I am seeing, it is all so amazing and beautiful that I am awestruck.

It's so amazingly beautiful, I get my first sense of myself back in the physical world, and I'm crying and saying (apparently out loud) "It's so beautiful....... so beautiful....."

Report #236 — entities

My arm was hanging off the side of the couch, I remember, and there was my friend, watching a ball of regurgitated and spoiled silliness (television?), and he was unaware of my fear and astonishment, but turned his head to look at me.

Infinity of the Now

I remember thinking that this was amazing and that I wanted it to keep going or to get stronger, to go deeper into the experience.

3rd Times a Charm

But somehow I shifted from that red polka dot maze to floating in outer space. I couldn't feel anything physically but there was a sense of awe at the beauty of what I could see. I was watching a sunset at the edge of the cosmos.

Gone Forever, Then Back Again

I was filled with awe and amazement at what I had just seen. The images of the city still make me squint just thinking of it.

Journey #3: The Golden City and Beyond

I watched this new improved, turbo charged monolith in awe, I was amazed at what it had turned into and could only wonder what else it could do.

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better

These words I couldn’t understand, information was going every which way going out of the TV, crisscrossing every which way. And I was in shock, it was so incredible, impossible, so awesome.

First DMT Experience - Trip Report

Wowed, I am... the elves begin producing and manifesting thin plates of stained glass, shuffling and juggling them into place.

That is was a caretaker of this space and the object, but was just as amazed and perplexed by it as me and we were both gazing upon it in wonder. The beetle entity seemed powerful, but no more than myself. not friendly, but not unfriendly either. it just was…

4 in one