79. First DMT Experience

First DMT Experience - Trip Report


15 May 2020

Nondual Therapy

I just remember taking a big hit and there’s this winding up. As I exhaled it made a cloud of smoke in front of me and I was shot at lightning speed through the smoke and the smoke parted ways. And there was like a tunnel, a tunnel with lights like a hyperloop tunnel, a hyperspeed tunnel. I do remember after the hyperspeed tunnel I was sitting up and I wasn't in my living room. I opened my eyes and I had the TV on and it was hyper, hyper-realistic, futuristic, as high def as you could imagine, further beyond that. I could see the TV and there were these little iPad sized screens all over the wall. There must have been like 15 of them. And beside me there was a wall and all the TVs were all up there and they were all playing news of some sort. On the big screen there was a news anchor, kinda but not really but I could tell it was information. There were these TVs and these random patterns like hieroglyphs, these different patterns that were flashing on these different screens and I couldn’t understand it. I’m trying to understand it but then instead of being on the screen it started coming out of the screen and it was floating in the air. These words I couldn’t understand, information was going every which way going out of the TV, crisscrossing every which way. And I was in shock, it was so incredible, impossible, so awesome.

It was like I was in the center of information. I was at the center of creation. From there I went toward the wall in my mind and turned right and I went into this room, this big domed room and I got this feeling that everything was going to be okay. That was the purpose of that room, to ground me in peace in a sense. So after the room, I stepped back through the door I came in but I didn't go back in the same room that I was. There was this statue sitting in front of me, it was like a hyperdimensional statue that was like a ribbon, like hypermoving, it was moving into itself and around itself. And the ribbon would go wherever it was. And then I would like zoom in on the ribbon and go down the ride. After that everything was like flushed down the toilet and as I’m realizing I’m in my living room, I just did DMT. So layer upon layer is building again only it’s like hyperdimensional, every layer is beyond anything you could ever imagine. And it’s layer after layer after layer and it creates reality that we’re all part of. And I look over at my wife and she looked like she was 10 feet tall and she was one of those really all the indigenous blue avatar creatures from the movie. And it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And slowly it’s fading like liquid gold being poured through your hand and you’re trying to grab it. There’s nothing to grab onto. Within a matter of minutes from there it was back to ground zero.