
25 Sept 2020


I took three really big hits and um, I tried to do a fourth but I couldn't and everything around me started vibrating and shaking and the world like, turned into Play-doh a little and a grid came up, like everything had a grid on it, everything, like even the speakers back there which I was in a different room but still um they a speaker grid was there if that makes sense but um yeah. And everything that was left started falling into the grid and disappearing and eventually I was just left in the grid and I was like: “Okay, maybe it's time for me to close my eyes. So I did and um, I saw, I'm trying to explain it the best I can but I saw this man, who was red and his face was like this very boxish but like it had a very strong chin and he had one eyeball and he was doing like, weird things with his hands. And I was like: “I don't know what you're saying.” It was really weird because I could talk to him through my head without saying it out loud. So that was very strange and um behind him the background looked like, the best way I couldn't explain it is it looked like brain matter.

And it wasn't pink, though it was like bright orange and red and yellow and like all the strings like, intertwined with each other. It was really weird and uh, you know, I kept being like: “I don't know what you're saying. I'm sorry.” And he just kind of like, pointed and i turned and i got shot through this tunnel and it was purple and it was like, like actually it was kind of like this color it's like a deep purple and it looked like it had honeycombs down the side and there was like dark green vines everywhere. And at the very end of the tunnel there was like, tapestry strands and like, vines coming down and what most people call machine elves but I called them goblins before I knew like, actually that they were called machine elves. But um, they pulled the vines and tapestry strands out of like, out of the way so I could get through the tunnel completely. And they had on these like tapestry looking like cloaks and they had like, long noses. And um, I didn't see them for a long time at all, like it was just them moving it out of the way and they were gone and there was like this foetus. That's the best way I could explain it, like it wasn't like a full baby but it wasn't full like, not a baby so it was like a foetus. It was curled up and it had like, a little umbilical cord floating and it was like a bright pale yellow and it was huge. It was just in the middle of the room. And when I say room, it was like a room like I was standing like I could feel myself standing but it felt like I was standing inside my head, inside my brain. It was really weird and um all around me was brain matter material and it was like bright orange and yellow and and red.

Yeah sorry, I couldn't get it out but um yeah and I heard this voice and it said: “Welcome to the room of souls.” And I was like: “Cool, cool.” And on each of the um each of the brain strands it had a person and they were going like they were in like complete bliss. It was honestly very um, nice being there. It felt like I had been there before. It felt um, very comfortable being there. I didn't feel like, unsafe or anything.

Um, i will say i could feel my boyfriend at the time rubbing my leg because i made sure like, after the first time i forgot to mention this after the first time like, micro dosing on it i was like you know, can you please just like touch my leg so i can have like some sort of awareness which that awareness did go away for a little while but like i could very lightly feel him rubbing my kneecap and um leg and that did help me stay calm because i wasn't sure when it was going to end. At that point it felt like I had been tripping for minutes, minutes I know it doesn't sound like a lot had happened but it did feel like a long time.

And um a back to the room the fetus like, melted away, it faded away and there was this orb. And it was like a bright yellow and orange and it floated up to me and I just like, looked at it and it started putting in images of my dad in my head. And I was like: Oh that orb is my dad. And he, it started like putting in images of um, my family like my grandmother, my pop, my uncle my aunt all of them and like my mom and papa. And um it was them but it was them then when they were younger, like i almost couldn't recognize them. And after my trip I did go and like look at old pictures of them and it was them when they were younger, like it's exactly what they look like. And um, you know the orb was speaking but it wasn't out loud it was like I could hear it in my head, in my head, inside my head if that makes sense. And it was saying, you know, like please tell them I love them and that I'm doing okay. And he said, you know like, you didn't have to do this to see me and I was like, well that wasn't like my goal. I didn't know I was gonna see you. And he was like, but you do know that dmt is connected with the afterlife. And I was like yeah, but I thought I was kind of going to see something like that happens after we die, I don't know. And um, he was just like: “I'm always there. I'm the wind around you. I'm always around you, Um we're all energy, we never die.

Um, he said, sorry my cats are in my closet it's distracting but um, you know, he was just, kept reassuring me that he was okay and that um, you know there's other ways that i could see him rather than doing, you know, dmt. And he was sorry. I was thinking this is like a very um special moment in my head, so like, I swear I'm like just thinking about it. Um he said that there was someone who needed to talk to me and I was like oh I don't want to stop talking to you. Like yeah i just you know we were just now talking to each other and he was like well it only takes a second and this person really needs to speak to you and i was like okay cool only for a second though and i turned and there was another orb and it was like a reddish orangish color and he said hi my name is poppy blank. I don't want to tell because you know, like, names confidential stuff like that. But um, he was like will you please tell my ex-boyfriend at the time's parents' names that I'm glad that they're noticing what I'm doing for them and that I'm there and that I'm happy they're realizing that it's me doing it.

And um, I was like yeah of course um of course I'll tell them and you know he said thank you and we kind of talked more but I can't really remember exactly about um it was something along the lines of like his family and stuff like that. And letting them know that he's okay and he was like i'll let you talk to your dad again. I was like okay. So i got to i just turned around and my dad was still there and you know i was telling him how much i loved him and how much i missed him and like all the stuff sorry i'm trying not to cry on camera that's so embarrassing but um yeah um i was telling him like how much i loved him and you know like how i wish i could just stay there with him and he was like well you can't do that you know like i'm okay and you know he said one thing that really stuck with me which was like holy which was you know you're okay i'm okay everything will be okay. just keep doing what you're doing and you you'll find your path and you know like that kind of stuck with me because I was like, I was really struggling with a lot of stuff back then which i won't get into in this video but yeah I was really struggling and I could feel him like hugging me which was weird because he didn't have any arms it felt like energy like surrounding my shoulders and stuff and he was like hugging me really tight and he just, you know, kept telling me like, things will be okay and he loves me and he misses me too and to find other ways to connect with him. And i was like you know, of course i will you know figure it out and we you know we like kind of talked back and forth about how like i wanted to stay there and stuff like that and it felt like literally maybe like minutes to an hour of me just like talking with him being like i don't want to leave like i was crying i know i was crying in real life because i woke up with tears not to woke up but i'll explain um yeah i we just chatted back and forth and um he was like you don't have much time left here um i'm sorry you can't stay longer but this you know it's time for this to end and i was like whoa okay and you know i just felt him grasping and then eventually everything just faded away. And I was still kind of like, not like tripping but I could still feel like, the vibrations and like the stuff around me whenever I opened my eyes and everything was still there everything started like going back to its place like out of the grid.