40. Report #52

Report #52


By that time I felt a piercing pressured glow in the centre of my brain and realised I had a short time to take maybe a smaller toke as well which I just managed to inhale and hold in for a few seconds. Next I remember a frequency noise with lots of chrome silver squares spinning and morphing fast with the noise and the visionary chrome squares getting faster and faster within seconds and I was getting to think if I should be frightened but I lost that thought and a sheer feeling of amazement took over me.

I then remember suddenly standing in a chrome room which was a state of more spinning chrome but then the room settled and in front of me was a large cube of light made of hundreds of smaller cubes floating above the centre of the room. I stood in front of this large cube that had started having the smaller cubes shoot out of it with coded encryptons on them and remembering to catch them and put them back into the main cube, knowing that I had to solve this complex alien-like puzzle.

As I did this the pieces came out faster and faster and I made sure I moved my arms as fast to catch every piece of small cube and work out where it was to be put back in light-speed seconds. Once I did this I shot into a room of gleaming bright light in which I felt a huge spiritual presence and I sat there happy knowing I was in the presence of GOD.

As I was saying thank-you for accepting my presence before him, I started coming out of the DMT trip and looked straight at Joanie who seemed to be visioned as herself on four screens rotating round at a pace which slowed down as the rest of the effects were wearing off.