5. Cleverly Human

Cleverly Human (Grid)


I let the second hit out, I cannot really remember this well. And I was transported to the usual grid of colors, but this time it was different. A little more sinister and a little more definite and intense. I opened my eyes, a little unprepared to face this sinister being. But it followed me to the real world. At first letters came up out of the carpet, giant clock-like circles too. These were odd because they look like light floating shadows.

At this point I dove back in, I closed my eyes and did not open them again. And if I need I saw no difference. I was in the color grids again, but all the sudden I blasted through. It stopped and became definite/indefinite shapes. It was a puzzle and I was a bit scared and uncomfortable due to how sinister it felt. I knew I was being tested as I moved about this part of hyperspace. Looking and solving puzzles that he presented me. I kept getting this sense that my "nature," my "core" as a human was just as sinister and corrupt.

I remember him taking me apart in little blocks and putting me back together in a different way.

He seemed to ask "How's that? Enjoyable? No? Yes? Well let's try again shall we?" Over and over for infinite amounts of time. I had lost sense of myself. The trip seemed to completely envelop me.

I also heard an old married couple laughing in the candle light to my left. It might have been my laughing though, for I would snicker here and there. I was being tickled almost.

After this I began to come back a little, I set my head down on my arms, relieved he had let me get off so easily. But he was not done, she was not done, I began to move closer toward the "core" of him/her. And he began to unfold for me. I passed a green light that had a sphere of purple lines moving around it. And above me was a bright white light. I moved closer to the light thinking something like "heaven for me". But it turned to dark.

I got a PROFOUND sense that as a human, no matter the intentions, we will desecrate and take advantage of.

After this I saw the being’s face, purple and made of blocks, as was his whole part of hyperspace. He finally took on definite form for me. Showing me himself. I felt greatly rewarded as if I had passed the test. He had tested my will and seemed to say "silly human, but I like this one, he did a good job" he rewarded me with a huge glow and the ability to retain his image.

I met the joker, the jester, the Clever-One.