74. Form Over Physics

Form Over Physics


Changa (Smoked B. caapi & DMT) 3 hits

by slipdisco

That third hit was everything I expected and more. The opening bars of the opening song of the EP was playing, Burial sampling some old school jungle, when I took the hit. Almost instantly I warped elsewhere. The music trailed out into a distant ringing and stroboscopic light points appeared outlining space and volume.

The ringing became quite loud and I panicked about tinnitus coming back with a vengeance when the visuals took over completely. The stroboscopic lights morphed into Kaleidoscopic textures and planes forming a new reality. I was in the mirror room at the climax of Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon, except this time the room was multidimensional instead of just four walls and the walls didn't reflect each other as much as meld at various points in a fractal design, form over physics. I also knew (I don’t know how) that the ‘dragon’ was some female designer, not a kung fu master.

She wanted me to appreciate her design skills and told me the room was made out of alien material whose closest analogue in our world was plastic. So I was in this rapidly reforming room where it made no sense to ask simple physical questions like 'which direction is up?' or 'am I standing?'. Then, the felt presence of this alien termagant vanished and the 'walls', so to speak, started to close in. They didn't close in as much as I realized that there was no longer any separation of inside/outside, body/habitat - just a floating perspective with no anchor. The planes of the kaleidoscope started shifting in opposing directions and I felt like I was travelling through a wormhole. At this point, I was attacked by the most uncanny feeling yet - this 'plastic' that she had talked about, it was not entirely molded by her. It was forming and reforming on its own. It was not just expanding and contracting... it was breathing. The 'plastic' was ALIVE! I was travelling through a biomass wormhole, a galactic vagina (if you will)

I was scared, just like every other time, that I had gone too far. I was blaming myself for being childish in the enthusiasm for a new experience for which we risk our sanity and play with death in small doses. Only ten minutes had passed irl. The first track had ended with the sample 'Come back to us'. As the second track of the EP started, I came back to earthly life. I was in that powerless state where you hold onto the music as if your life depends on it, as if every sample and sound is super-significant and portentous. Burial was evoking the nineties in his style with samples of music from that era being played by someone entering a car and switching on the tape player. The clicks, the tics, the ghostly distant sounds, the tape hiss - It all gave me intense deja vu. The sense of false memory was so strong when I knew for a fact that I had never tripped to this EP..The visuals had quieted down by now even though my eyes were still jittery.