
Preoccupied Entities are are only a slightly more frequently encountered in the various Environments. Some are busy with machines, going someplace,

They seemed to have a "business as usual attitude". However, paradoxes seem to occur often in this place, and they were both interested in me as a specimen and yet disinterested or disaffected by the routine.

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But here I was again, it's golden and the walls are literally made of the entities, they crawl out and move along this room.

My final journey (for a while)

the beings were a cross between lizards and birds having beaks but no feathers and completely green. Although I couldn’t see all of the beings' bodies, because they were wearing purple cloaks and sat in large floating chairs. These beings were ‘basking’ in the light... the light was an ice blue light having a UV type of effect and was originating from behind me. I wanted to turn to face the light but as I did the space moved or rotated with me so that the light remained behind. I spoke to the beings saying “let me see the light” but they just shook their heads...

Report #293 — entities

And there was a woman, I perceived as a woman, who was very chaotic in the way she was conducting herself. She was moving around very quickly. She had crazy hair, she had wild eyes and wanted everyone to be quiet.

Incredible Amazing crazy DMT trip report

I got a glimpse of several entities moving in front of a giant complex control panel.

Report #19 — entities

340 DMT Trip Reports

They were all sort of dancing around in this very synchronized, sort of ritualistic like dance. Dino just sat there in this space and observed these beings in amazement and thought it best at the time not to try and communicate with them since they did not acknowledge him first.

Dinos Experience Report

Some of these entities looked like half man, half antelope. Others had crazy hair and small thick horns growing like a crown on their head. Others were just made of shapes and consisted of one solid colour. They tucked into crevices and doors in quite a hurry.

I liked this room I was in, but the entities were not acknowledging me at all, so I tried to focus on the second carrier wave.

Geometric beings and multiple carrier waves.

They appear to investigate me, like they are curious. It was almost as if their initial appearance was a greeting, and after investigating me they go back to their business, paying me no attention. They are clearly working, doing something, but it is completely unrecognizable to me

Report #236 — entities

It was like I was a ghost and I was in a different universe with aliens that were minding their own business

DMT TRIP REPORT - Entered An Alien Room Then Spoke In


And then I’m in this story of some people just walking by, kind of cartoon-like characters. Knobby joints and long lanky limbs, kind of hunched over and looking at me like just passively. And there were other characters there too and they were all aware of me but not really inviting me to a conversation or interact with them all.

My First DMT Experience (a trip report)

And as he’s doing this, a female, she comes by and she look and then she take off. And then another dude came and a little bit later and he looked and then he take off.

My DMT Experience, Seeing the Dome and Simulation on DMT..

These beings had no idea I was there, I find it hard to believe they would care about my insignificance even if they had been aware of my presence; they clearly had more important things to do.

Just When I Thought it Couldn't Get any Better

Those rays were these tiny little people all holding weird tiny like, normal geometric patterns like an octagon, hexagon, pentagon, triangles, circle, rectangle. And it's they just kept around this little energy thing, kept going, kept going kept, going and everything kept spiraling, spiraling and spiraling until this sound wave hit me: Boom!

DMT: The Alien Maxtrix (Trip Report)