88. A Magician's Guided Tour

A Magician's Guided Tour To The Universe



Immediately felt the wah-wah-wah vibrations and sounds of the initiation to drop into hyperspace. Eyes open, my vision was blurry. I calmly held in my last toke and closed my eyes. As soon as they folded down, I was folded into the timespace dimension to hyperspace proper. Little did I know this would be my first macro-cosmic trip (instead of micro-cosmic) guided by a mysterious interdimensional traveler (spoiler, it turned out to be me) who was also an accomplished magician. I say Magician in the classical sense - smoke, mirrors, redirection, controlled perception, leading your focus only to use deception as a form of enlightenment. I neither saw or heard him, but he was the director of my mind's film. He let me be the producer occasionally. He was so nice to my ladyself!


At first, I saw a tree. It was both three and two dimensional simultaneously, as if MC Escher had willed it so. As I began to perceive it, my perception upon it made the tree cast its shadow unto the ground. Like a Rolodex turning down, my perspective bent down the axis on which the tree existed and the shadow now stood "upright" as I focused on it. The shadow was primarily two dimensional, but again as I beheld the tree-shadow's nature, it too cast it's shadow upon another axis. A shadow's shadow in this hyperspace is but a silhouette, a tearing of the veil of the universe that revealed the universal backstage behind the plane. Peering down into the hole created by the shadow's shadow, I saw wide vistas of the universe. Comets, nebulae, planets with rings and moons and binary suns. It was beautiful and I sat for a moment awestruck.

This unfolding of one plane of perspective into the next - seeing upright, 3-D, 2-D, then 4-D was repeated half a dozen times. Same narrative, but the subject matter changed. The magician showed a hyperspace, 4-D box and shifted my perspective.

At one point, he willed that I look on a square with designs on it. Like an optical illusion, I waited to see what morphing it would undergo under my supervision. In a snap of cosmic fingers, I noticed that while focusing on the square, everything else had inverted colors and I was somewhere else in the universe. Caught up in the trick I expected to outsmart, I couldn't perceive the massive shift to another plane. Another snap of cosmic fingers and the box remained the same but was now extruded into 4 dimensions. As a mathematician, I've always wondered what living in the fourth dimension would be like and loved being shown it. It was my personal inter-dimensional, hyper-plain magic show. The shift in perspective wasn't jarring, and in that I feel surprised.

After I gave well deserved applause at the education via misdirection and transformation, the magician bowed out and allowed me to go backstage with him to float down the "internet" of universal energy. Much like any computer generated video sequence where you’re shown a visualization of how data might move through the web, electricity inside a computer, or brain impulses through the nervous system, I beheld myself travelling among cosmic tubes. Pulses of light flowed up and down this highway - it had an organic undertone, but visually it was linear, clean and "computerized". I floated in this stream of energy, just taking in the scene. I saw one interstellar being, a large coin - a face on one side and nothing on the back - float by. He/she simply existed and went to where it was going. Neither happy or sad, it was presently (and likely eternally) content, going on its way to wherever place one goes in deep hyperspace.

After bathing in this pipeline of a cosmic computing nervous system, I drifted back to my body and kept a buzz and pleasant heaviness for 10 minutes. I had been in fairly deep hyperspace for 10 minutes and now just spaced out by the whole experience. With my eyes open, the blurriness dwindled and I had some back-of-mind visuals, mostly of dogs and wolves (telling me my spirit animal was the wolf - which is a strange thing to say to me, since I'm not native american or hold much stock in that sort of thing). Also, muffled voices chatted about me but I gave them no heed.