47. Report #293

Report #293 — entities

I was in Delhi and had a hit on some Acacia DMT. The first entity I encountered was after the audios started (a na, nan, nan, nan... sound) and the world began to get red streams... this spinning red ball manifested and came towards me.... Inside was a sitting ‘buddha’.. I reached up and touched it and it exploded into a completely different world... it was a cartoon world; like something roadrunner would have felt at home in... and along bopped these cartoon characters and they seemed pleased and beckoned me on.

I began to follow them but the world, whilst colourful, was flat; it was devoid of detail (like a cartoon) I stopped and shook my head and remember telling them that I was looking for somewhere else but they just continued to call/wave me in. That’s when I became suspicious of them and began to look for a way out. I spotted a yellow door (best description I can give) and as I reached up for it they began to get angry and grew teeth! But it was all mouth and no trousers and I laughed at them then touched the ‘door’ and bang I was in casino world... no beings just hundreds of spinning purple drums (like slot machine drums). Again I spotted a ‘door’ this time purple and reaching up touched it and I was in space...... here I met some other beings...

This was most strange... the beings were a cross between lizards and birds (hybrids) having beaks but no feathers and completely green. Although I couldn’t see all of the beings' bodies, because they were wearing purple cloaks and sat in large floating chairs. These beings were ‘basking’ in the light... the light was an ice blue light having a UV type of effect and was originating from behind me. I wanted to turn to face the light but as I did the space moved or rotated with me so that the light remained behind. I spoke to the beings saying “let me see the light” but they just shook their heads... then I dropped out and the room came back..

The trip wasn’t over because my friend handed me the pipe saying, “You didn't finish it. I tried to offer it to you before but you were having none of it.”


Desperate to go back to the space place I sucked the dregs up and again the ‘buddha’ came. I touched and again I was in cartoon world. I began laughing at the beings and again they grew teeth before reaching up for the ‘door’. I was seriously laughing and woke up half the hotel!!!

Unfortunately I didn’t make it to space. Instead a large black hooded serpent appeared. I would have said it was at least 10ft in length with its tail coiled and its head raised 5ft or so off the floor. We had a conversation in which I accused it of being a fraud and began laughing at it. It hissed and I hissed back.. I was still hissing at it when the room began to come back into focus... my last words were “next time ...”