89. Multino's DMT trip

Multino's DMT trip report log




As soon as I closed my eyes and laid back, I was presented with a seated Buddha-like figure radiating pure peace and compassion. I could not see the figure itself, but it was like a silhouette of one contrasted with the aura of peace and compassion radiating away from it. I could even see the waves of the peace and compassion going off to every corner of reality. The Buddha-like figure beckoned me to come closer, and I felt like I was rushing forward through a tunnel, but just at that moment I heard someone outside in the real world on a Harley motorcycle rev their engine which broke the moment. The figure beckoned to me twice more, each time I started forward before stopping again due to this external interruption. I could not follow.

Then the scene changed. I saw an ancient being laying on a bed surrounded by loved ones, I could see and feel the emotion and love that they had for her. I was interrupting. She turned to me and said with her last breath "try again tonight when it is quieter." Just like that she passed, and was no longer with us, disintegrating and leaving behind just a pile of the clothes she was wearing. I think she had been there waiting to get into hyperspace her whole life, but ultimately failed to do so. The loved ones faded away, and then the whole scene did.

For the rest of the experience I was floating in a sea of pulsating colors and shapes, morphing and changing constantly. A few of what I think others have described as "tricksters" would come to me occasionally. Their appearance was almost like Chinese dragons, but with color patterns on their body that was like a continuously changing waves of rainbow color cascading down their bodies. Occasionally one would come close and seemed to be threatening me in some way, not aggressively, but more like they were trying to act tough. I then just said to myself "accept" which was the intention that I had set from the beginning. Each time the being smiled, "thought" at me that it was only testing and wanted nothing but good for me, then left as quickly as it had come.

This reduced in intensity until I was close to baseline, opening my eyes the ceiling looked very normal except that it had a greenish cast to it. I laid where I was snuggling with a fluffy blanket for a few more minutes, and then got up. Oddly I felt very horny... but the thought of sex felt alien. Weird.