51. Report #236

Report #236 — entities

It was more visually amazing than any of my previous DMT experiences..... Byzantine faces attached to one another in neat rows, dancing and morphing in front of my eyes. It looks almost like they are on the walls, but when I really focus, I see that they are on the walls, in the air, everywhere. I can move through them, and they appear to be three-dimensional, not just drawn patterns.

The faces have one blue eye each, which looks almost as if it is radiating with a phosphorescent light. I close my eyes and the faces begin to change and move independently of one another. They appear to investigate me, like they are curious. It was almost as if their initial appearance was a greeting, and after investigating me they go back to their business, paying me no attention. They are clearly working, doing something, but it is completely unrecognizable to me — nothing I have ever seen before, so I could never describe it.

The "entities" begin to fade away, everything around me turns white, and I feel almost as if I'm zooming backwards through a tunnel. In front of me I begin to see a large blue eye, just like the ones on the Byzantine faces, but with lotus-like blue eyelashes emerging from its pupil. The eye was strangely beautiful, had a distinctly feminine presence, and I could sense it radiating an intelligence far beyond my own.

I tried to ask it what it was, but I found myself unable to talk. Instead it seemed that this eye, or whatever it was, knew exactly what I had just thought, and replied "Does it matter?" No... I thought to myself, feeling slightly confused but satisfied. Before I had a chance to really form another thought, the eye said "Let me show you something"...... and suddenly the white light is gone, and I feel and SEE myself rising out of my own forehead, upon which lies the blue eye with the lotus flower. As I emerge my body dissipates into the room around me.

My vision zooms in, like my eyes have become microscopes, and I see molecular structures piecing together to form matter on the most basic of levels. It looks almost like a computer program, pieces of information attached to one another in certain ways to collectively form an information database — as if something our brain registers to be "real" is nothing more than information sent to our brain and put together in a manner which best satisfies our brain at a given moment.

Quantum physics and mechanics appear to be playing out a wonderful dance right in front of my eyes, and while I can't grasp most of what I am seeing, it is all so amazing and beautiful that I am awestruck. It is as if the secrets of life are being shown to me, but I don't have the capacity to understand what it means or what to do with it, except to just be a part of it, be fully immersed in it in this moment, this intense simple beauty that is beyond all human thought, dream, or perception.

We are far too simple as humans to grasp this universe of all that is, all that surrounds us, and and all that is a part of us. It exists without our acknowledgement or understanding, yet it is not independent of us..... it IS us. Which is why it can be so hard to grasp, because after all.... how much do we really know about ourselves, actually KNOW about ourselves?

It's so amazingly beautiful, I get my first sense of myself back in the physical world, and I'm crying and saying (apparently out loud) "It's so beautiful....... so beautiful.....", and at this point I can feel the DMT world begin to fade and the display of color and wonder of DPT begins to take hold.