20. My Experiences with DMT

My experiences with DMT to YOUNG PHARAOH

Naga Neter / Nuke Pah Nuke Kah Aka Ge-Oz

2 May 2017


I smoked it and it was like: “Boom.” And it was weird ‘cause everything was like, golden. And it was moving though, almost like a tunnel. A tunnel of golden radiance. I mean it was crazy. And the first time, I didn’t break through. It was an experience, you know what I’m sayin’? It was a real good experience and the energy was bright. And the energy that time made me more childlike, more like a kid. We were just happy. We were just bugging out, you know what I’m saying? We were just laughing about everything like I was 12 years old.

But the second time I broke through. And it was different though and I did it myself. I set it in motion. I meditated, had the light out. I even got directly into that mindset. I even had that binary sound going to see if I would break in. And this time, you know what I saw was crazy. It was like I died. They say it was like 20 minutes, but you know what I’m sayin’, I was like gone for like, 55 minutes.

It was like I went in and everything that was like, physical I didn’t see that. I saw the geometrical shape of that. I’d see a geometrical ideal of it and the actual dimensions of it. And it was connected somehow in this realm and it looked like a cage and it was all around the whole world. And it had a type of energy to it. It wasn’t like an evil negative energy but kind of like an aggravating little brother energy, like a constant. It was surpassable.

The feeling that I had before I got into that state was that I was trying to realize that I wasn’t dying. I was trying to swallow but my consciousness was telling myself I didn’t need to swallow. I was trying to feel myself still sitting straight up in the chair, like in the L position but it made me feel like I was lying down. And like my lungs stopped and my blood stopped. It was crazy. And I was thinking but the people, the thoughts were like going away, like no, you don’t need any of that.

And after that it was crazy and I got into that realm with the mathematical structures. And then, I like, broke through that and it kind of shattered, And I was going through and I went up. And it was like, if you can think of the sun like HD, not how we see it but if it was like this warm wonderful golden radiance everywhere. My body was an outline of the universe. My body was an outline and inside of me was universes and stars and shit and I was lying down. At that point my consciousness was more relevant. It was telling me everything was consciousness. And every decision that goes on and everything that happens we made in a conscious state. For the most part certain structures have to take place to push, I’m gonna say, galactic energy to another level.

I tried to remove things since my consciousness was telling me since I put this together, maybe I can remove things to make my life better when I come back. So when I tried to remove things, when I tried to come back it wouldn’t let me come back, it was like I was glitching. Almost, I was a robot or a computer and it wasn’t working right. So I shot back up. I went back in and had to get the pieces I took out and I had to put them back in. And I had to accept that. And at the same time I had other information that came through and it was real profound and I brought it and gave it to a few people and some people cried and some people were real emotional. I got emotional when I came back. I was hugging myself.