61. DMT Story #2

DMT Story #2 Breakthrough




I lit up my torch, hit it up like I always do, took the dab and immediately started feeling that head buzz. And my head is starting to spin. It felt like my head was about to fall off my shoulders. And that’s when I knew I smoked way too much. I just kept ripping it and knew I should have probably stopped because I was smoking way more of it than I ever had before. It had me so fucked up I didn’t remember to exhale. Probably 30 or 40 seconds after I was just completely gone with my eyes closed.

I didn’t even have time to lay back and sort of just fell forward and lay down. And when I closed my eyes I saw the actual Flower of Life symbol, the pattern more beautiful than I’ve ever seen it before, so colorful. Every little flower pattern that you see is a different color and it kept changing (mosaic). I was like diving into it, like orbiting into the Flower of Life. And it was like fractal patterns forming within it and that’s when it brought me into this room and the room was completely made up of Legos. The wall and the floor, just Legos. (Mosaic) And then all of a sudden out of the Lego ground burst up and this gremlin character came up out of the ground, kind of exciting looking. He kind of pointed at me and kinda making this weird noise, laughing at me. I’m just looking at it in complete amazement and that’s when the Lego room just burst open. Like the wall ripped exactly like a Lego wall would have and split in half. And all of a sudden there was this black space with rainbows and stars everywhere. And there were these jellyfish floating through this space and the jellyfish had smiles on their faces. They were jellyfish like characters, like animal-like entities. There were like these little machine balls that had these eyes and like coming from them were these chattering voices. They were like: “Welcome. Welcome. Hello. Hello. We love you.” When they would chatter they would get bigger then shrink a little bit again and they were orange and yellow and green and pink. And the jellyfish were a light blue and pink and red and blue.

And that’s when from the back of whatever I was at the time I could see almost a sunset rising, so I turn around and that’s when the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, this shining glowing vibrantly glowing, so bright the most complex entity I’ve ever seen in my life. And he was like this lizard god, made out of a lizard and a snake and a bird. In the middle of his body was made out of Metatron’s cube and like the yin yang symbols for his thighs and symbols everywhere. Incredible patterns all over his skin everywhere and they were glowing, radiating the most vibrant light of many colors. And he looked at me and he was like: “You have no idea where you are, do you?” And I’m like: “No.” And he is like: “Welcome to the 10th dimension where anything and everything is possible.” We had like a 5 minute conversation.

The space pattern was like boxes engraved in everything just falling and building themselves up again. And trees and mushrooms and everything is collapsing and rebuilding themselves. And i could barely focus on him and the main thing our conversation led to was: Don’t be jealous of other people’s success, just create some of your own. And then he was like: “Alright, time to go back. And he sent me back to my family room. And I just shot like a thousand miles an hour back (acceleration) in my body. And then I just looked around still with open eye visuals and I was trying to process what I saw.