DMT EXPERIENCES #7 | "Alien Dimension"

7 Mar 2019


House Haze


He was fading out as the static builds. “Here we go.” I thought to myself as time slows to a halt and my vision becomes a fractal static. It felt like I was dematerializing. The room was now stretching out to a tunnel millions of miles long, very hyperspacey or warp drive like effect. All of a sudden I warp out of hyperspace and rematerialize as the audio and visual static fades and everything becomes crystal clear; the most intense and high definition my senses has ever been as if real life was hazy and what I was now seeing was 10 times clearer. I am now in an alien world, perched on a cliff looking out over a huge valley. Off in the distance to my left a camp fire was burning on another cliff, the sun setting behind it.

My two friends had become sarcophagi floating out over the valley. But it wasn’t that they had become dead, they had become spaceships that only looked like huge sarcophagi. The entire valley was lush and green. Off in the distance there was a city of some sort. A huge pyramid sat in the center and an enormous obelisk stood at the center of the city. They both completely dwarfed the buildings in the city. Another huge cliff loomed over the city with trees and moss all over the cliff face. A waterfall streamed off of it and into a lake below. Some sort of ruin or temple stood on top. It was an ancient and sacred place, a place that people didn’t go out of reverence.

Two glowing moons hovered over the city like a pair of eyes, the light blocking the stars from being seen. That's when I saw a face, like the mask of an Egyptian pharaoh’s sarcophagus. The moons became the eyes and it encompassed the entire room. The top of the head formed the dome of the sky. The landscape came back into view and I was now sitting on the valley floor next to the new campfire. The spaceship sarcophagi had landed and the green valley had become a vast desert. The sands had swallowed the city, leaving no trace, only the pyramid and obelisk still remain far off in the distance. It is obvious a long time had passed, hundreds of thousands of years possibly.

I sat there for some time, just observing, trying to make sense of the voice in the back of my head. I started hearing criticism of thousands of tiny voices. But they were not mean criticisms but happy and encouraging one. I felt like they were trying to tell me that every mistake I’d ever made up to that point was okay. They just wanted me to try to do better, to be happy with myself and be happy with who I am, because I am loved. I am connected with forces I can not hope to truly grasp. And that these forces will love me unconditionally. I just sat there and listened and tried to take it all in. I started to feel myself leaving this place.