15. 250mg DMT Heroic Dose

250mg DMT Heroic dose led to a Spiritual Download - extreme trip report Part 1

Alkemikal Visionary

Published on 17 Apr 2019


I put the pipe down, lay back on the bean bag and once I exhaled, everything started to go completely dark, absolute darkness. I have a separation from the body but I have zero control over my body. I start to feel bliss and ecstasy all around. And then suddenly out of nowhere I started to rush, like I was going through warp speed. It was just starless galaxies.

My bladder just let’s go. Once I let that go, I felt beautiful and ecstatic and went through that void and I can’t remember this reality at all. All memory fades away and there is only being and consciousness. Then I came into this infinitely open, massive dark black area. I start to see this wall, the width of a house, just a wall and a flat platform. It was an L shaped wall with the floor and the background. On the floor there was a cylinder, another rectangular wall sitting on top and a cheese slice of a walk around and all of these had one pattern on them. It was a square pattern like a block pattern repeating on them. Each square had the primary colors on them.

My consciousness could not believe what it was seeing. The space that I was in wasn’t 3D but could have been 4d, 5d, 6d. It was a different dimensional space and had a completely different feel to it. The colors were not describable and not comparable to anything within our universe. They had a different vibe. I stood there in absolute awe, I don’t know how long I sat there staring at this. All these patterns were moving incredibly slow in parallel and vertical motion. So I started to stare at one of these square patterns and it starts to transition and the colors start to fade into each other to create a shape that looks like a face. And then it became a face I recognized. I started to see my face in that square. Then I saw my face on every other square on the entire wall, the floor and all the objects. I started to realize that wall was me, the entirety of me; my name, my likes, my dislikes, my ego, everything that I’ve lived in life, all of my deeds and misdeeds. This was the final wall of the self, the final veil of the self.

Realizing what was in front of me, I wanted to blast through the self, leave myself so the only thing left was the source. As I tried doing that it was like the universe was squeezed into a quantum sized hole, a tiny, tiny thing. There was claustrophobia and twisting and crackling. I try to zoom through to the other side and meet God and I was slapped out of the entire trip and I was back in my room. I sit up in my beanbag and didn’t know what was going on. I couldn’t remember anything.

I look around and everything is fractal like and made of diamonds. The entire room was pitch black but I could see as if the lights were on. Each tile on the floor was phasing between white and black, the walls phasing between white and black. And then I fell back into the beanbag and it takes me back through the exact same scenario as it did the first time. I go through the smaller void and into the massive room, I notice the wall and the shapes and I’m in absolute awe for a very very long time. So I start squeezing through the atom sized hole and then I get pushed back out into my living room. Everything is beautifully shaped and perfect and in unison. Everything is breathing life and is conscious. And then I am taken again.

So the 3rd time I got kicked out the DMT was starting to fade, none of the fractal stuff is there anymore. So it’s a more hazy super HD vision that’s going on. I knew that I was looking and started to panic, unsure how many times this was going to happen. Memories started to set in of what’s going on. I went to the bathroom and discovered I hadn’t pissed my pants and I was seeing in super HD.

That night I went to sleep and dreamed that I returned to that wall. For the month and a half after the trip I had pure mental clarity. I had pure calmness in my mind, body and soul. Now, a few months back I had a question about the seed of life, the flower of life and I wondered how it related to Islam. I was sitting outside next my house in a green field smoking some weed.I was reading through a book and after I read this one line and I started receiving this download of information.